Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday...Favorite Things

friday favorite things | finding joy

Family Beach Trip

Sweet Frog--delicious frozen yougurt on a hot day

Watching #1 daughter getting ready for her pharmacy rotations--and she still wants my opininio!

Health-great doctor check-up yesterday.  Wonder why so many doctors and nurses are amazed I am not on any medications?  Only vitamins I answer.

Getting ready to celebrate another year on my life on Tuesday!!!

Having both daughters home-

Watching little children

Happy Fourth of July!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What do the words 'freedom' and 'liberty' mean to you? Does your mind go more in the direction of not being persecuted or discriminated against or does it head in the direction of doing what you please?
Freedom and liberty means not being discriminated against for one's beliefs or values. 
2. Nathan's sponsors a hot dog eating contest every 4th of July. Last year over 40,000 people attended the event and almost 2 million watched it on TV. The winner ate over 60 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes. How do you like your hot dogs?

Nathan's hot dogs are the best.  I prefer my hot dog grilled -a little black-add mustard, chili, & relish
3. If you were going to enter an eating contest what would be on the menu? 
4. Do you run your house more as a dictatorship or a democracy?

When the girls were younger, probably a little of both.
Democracy-even when the girls were younger, they had a chance to say what was on their minds during a family discussion and convince us to be on their side.
Dictatorship-mom knows best and the answer is "No"-end of discussion.
Now that both daughters are grown, house is more of a democracy.
5. Where was your favorite summer place when you were a kid?
My favorite summer place was at my grandmother's.  We would sit and swing for hours and hours.  I can remember the smell coming from her kitchen was so inviting-no matter how hot it was outside-grandmother still cooked a hot dinner-no AC either.  With AC I hardly cook a hot dinner.  Never once did I hear grandmother complain about the heat or how hot her kitchen was!
6. Do you have a guest room? Would you want to stay there?
No guest room in my house.  However two empty bedrooms-now both daughters are living together in an apartment.  Let me take that back-one empty bedroom-kinda use one bedroom for grandson's stuff.
7. Next Wednesday America celebrates her independence. Do you have any special plans for the 4th of July? If you live outside the USA when and how does your country celebrate its own patriotic holiday?

Usually a  family cook-out.  Hub and I were discussing this last night-menu planning. After the cook-out, a friendly game of backyard volleyball begins.  Later it is going somewhere to watch fireworks or just sitting on the porch listening to the fireworks and talking and relaxing.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Wishing all a happy Fourth of July.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Daughter's Rotations

So Proud

#1 daughter began her pharmacy rotations today.  So proud of her.

She was so excited about today. 

It is hard to believe my beautiful daughter has grown up.  I don't know where the time has gone.

Wishing my daughter good luck today. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Finally....A Family Vacation

We all know how hard it is to have a family vacation --with 'the family.'  It has been 8 years since 'the family' has been together on vacation.  Having two daughters in college-#1 daughter is now completing her Doctorate of Pharmacy and begins rotations on Monday and #2 daughter graduated from college a couple of weeks ago and she played college basketball-we just never had the chance to be together as a family.  So 'the family' got the chance this past week!

After a full week of Bible School-for 3 hours every night, we were ready for a vacation.

We took our grandson with us to Myrtle Beach-hey 4 adults can watch one 3 year old.

There is something about the ocean that is just so peaceful.  Stress and worries are lifted off our shoulders for a few days. capture this feeling in everyday life would be magnificent.

I enjoy reading-all the time -especially while at the beach/pool.  On the other hand, hub hunts for sharks' teeth. When the girls were little, he had them doing this. With both daughters grown I just assumed they would lay around the beach/pool and read with their Momma while hub took grandson to teach him how to look for sharks 'teeth.  Wrong......the girls still enjoyed looking for sharks' teeth as much as ever!

I must admit, I don't have an 'eye' for finding sharks' teeth.  However 'the family' found 14 in all!

Since searching for sharks' teeth can be backbreaking, tedious work-one must play in the sand for a little relaxation afterwards.

Grandson loved the ocean....

and the pool.....
especially when 'buddy'-that is what he calls hub- allows him to swim on his own
and the carnival....

and the fireworks.

Undeniably a superb family vacation.

Hub, #2 daughter, #1 daughter, and grandson.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Favortie Things

friday favorite things | finding joy

#1 daughter-I am so proud of your accomplishments.  You will finish your classwork today from Appalachian College of Pharmacy -better known as ACP and begin your rotations in a week.  So Proud!!-but moving your 'stuff' was not so good.

Cousins-- How can I thank these two wonderful cousins for helping hub and I move #1 daughter out of her apartment?  First, you guys gave found a baby sitter for your little man, gave up a Sunday afternoon, and didn't mind the hours driving and loading up furniture.  Thanks!

Second story...ugh!

Still smiling-after moving!

to my little man--3 year -old-grandson (my stepson's son)---I am a little exhausted this morning.  Going to Bible School with you this week has been a blast, but I don't remember being this tired with my two daughters when I went with them.  Is it because I am older now?   Praise The Lord for a great week-and tonight is the program.

Prayers please...We are going to the beach on Sunday and I have broken out with some type of rash.  Now taking Prednisone.  We haven't been to the beach in 10 years and yes taking grandson!!  I am so excited but want to get better!!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

1. In what way are you your own worst enemy?
Being a perfectionist. 

2. Jacques Cousteau's birthday was Monday, June 11th...ever been scuba diving? Is that something you'd like to try? What's your favorite 'under the sea' creature?
Definitely no sucba diving for me.
The only 'under the sea' creature I can think of is a dolphin.  Does that count?
3. On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable are you in and around the water? (1=not at all, 10=very) Do you know how to swim and if so how and when did you learn?
When I was younger, I was stepped on while swimming under water and had to be pulled to the top.  I never went back in the water (swimming or diving) after that incident.  Now I wish I would have so I would have gotten over that fear.  I am not comfortable at all around the water.  However, I do enjoy a boat ride on the lake.
4. What's something you do to motivate yourself to tick an item off your to-do list?
Either having my hub reminding me about it or if it is something visible I get tired of looking at it.
5. What makes a good neighbor? Are you a good neighbor?
One that is there to lend a helping hand when needed.  Good neighbors are friendly and social.
I consider myself a good neighbor-examples:  I have prepared dinner (not fixed-since I hate to cook-bought dinner) for my neighbors just because I wanted to no particular reason, taken trash cans to driveway for them, gotten newspaper for them, etc.  A person can be a good friendly neighbor without being intrusive.
6. Who loads the dishwasher at your house? Is there a right way and a wrong way?
I load the dishwasher. Yes there is a right way to do this.  If not done correctly, how can all the dishes fit in the diswasher properly.
7. You know it's summer when_________________________.
You have been bitten by those nasty mosquitoes.
8. Insert your own random thought here.

Bible School Week this week.  I had 23 'little people' three/four year olds Monday and Tuesday night.  Thankfully for all the helpers. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Another move-

Moving Day, Again

Daughter #1 will be coming home Friday to begin her rotations (all close to home) from Appalachian College of Pharmacy.  Right after church, we began the move.

The view from her apartment is beautiful.

Not so beautiful when one is carrying furniture-so my hubs says.

Living on the second floor-isn't always a good idea when  moving and maneuvering furniture.

After several trips up and down the steps-the mission was accomplished!

A big thanks to my two wonderful cousins who helped!

It will be nice having both daughters home for the summer for a change-even if one will be working.

Have a great week.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Favorite Things.......

friday favorite things | finding joy

Just starting to follow and hook up.
Some of my favorite things:

Taking grandson to get yogurt:
Enjoying a day at the park

Clean house-since I cleaned yesterday!

My daily morning 2 mile walk

Feeling the cool breeze on my face

One more load of laundry and finished!

Have a Great Weekend!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Thanks for posting the questions.  Hope all hops on over and joins.
1. How many students were in your high school graduating class? Did you know most, if not all of them?

I attended a small high school in Virginia, and there were probably around 100 in my graduating class.  Not only did I know most of them but knew their siblings, parents, and grandparents as well.

2. What was the last thing you photographed?
Sunday, at our church picnic-my grandson looking at a butterfly caught by one of his friends, and the beautiful lake.

3. Pickles-love 'em or loathe 'em? If its love what's something you eat that needs a pickle?

Love'em.....Pickles & potato salad and tuna salad. 

4. What's a stereotype you seem to perpetuate without meaning to?
The only thing coming to my mind is blonde jokes or hope #2 daughter doesn't read this-jock (athlete)jokes are the best!

5. Ever been horse back riding? If so is it something you enjoy? If not, do you have any interest? Did you watch the Kentucky Derby? Will you be watching the last leg of the Triple Crown this weekend?

When I was younger, my father and I use to ride.  Haven't ridden in a long, long time.

6. What's your favorite 'wedding' movie?

The Notebook-how romantic was that.  Of course there is also: My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Runaway Bride, and Father of the Bride.

7. What is one 'tourist attraction' in the USA that you'd like to see in person?

Mount Rushmore
I would love to travel out west but hub not a traveling man--:( sigh
Maybe one day.....

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Gosh, I keep hitting the publish button and not the save button. 

Monday, June 4, 2012


Yesterday was our church's  annual picnic.  Yes-tons and tons of food-cooked the ole fashion way-if you know what I mean.

The weather was perfect-for me- a  nice 72 degrees.  A little cool for the 'older' crowd. I enjoy sitting and watching the people and talking to people I usually don't talk to at church.  Let me explain-we have three services at my church.  One service begins at 8:30-you will be surprised at the younger folks who attend in the summer this service, a traditional service at 11:00 and a contemporary service at 11:00.  When I am not in children's church, I attend the contemporary service, so I miss speaking to people at the other services.  So the church picnic gives me a chance to sit and catch up on things. Besides when you wait to the end to eat-there is so much food still left!

The children play ball and.....a perfect Kodak moment I captured of grandson and friend looking at a butterfly..

After eating and playing ball, we all head down to the lake for a boat ride.

It is a beautiful lake.

The children spotted the playground and.....
the lake kinda of took second place.

Later that evening, hub and I were walking around our block-me to get rid of the stuffiness feeling, and hub so he said-he could eat again!  anyway I began to remember   the church picnics I attended  as a little girl.  The picnics were held right after church-yep the younger ones changed clothes, but my parents and grandparents still kept their 'church clothes' on.  The food was set out in the fellowship hall and I stood in line with my parents who helped me put the 'right amount' of food on my plate.  The children sat a table for 'children' only while the grown-ups had their own table.  The grown-ups washed the dishes when all was finished eating, and we would go outside to play either tag or kick the can.  That evening when the sun had gone down, it was time for homemade ice cream and watermelon under the stars.  What fun we had-no lake, no playground, but just plain ole fun! 
Time has changed some over the years.

Some things change ,but one thing that has stayed the same for me is the food at a church picnic-minus the homemade ice cream!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...