Sunday, April 29, 2012


Whew!!!!  Last week was finally over, and what a week it was.  So thrilled the Federal Review is over!  Not only was I interviewed for over 3 hours, I had to sit as they were going through files the review team had pulled.  My only thought-gosh it is very stormy--windy and strong thunderstorms outside so if you need to leave early please feel free to do so.  To my dismay the review team stayed.  I did mention though a little food stop-the best dip dogs, onion rings, and milkshakes a person has ever tasted.  Of course, my principal couldn't believe I mentioned the one and only Dip Dog Stand to the review team!
Anyway I was relieved when it was over.

Now that the review was over-why did it take me so long to unwind.  I finished out the school day as usual-well a few more well-wishes than anticipated-but it was school as usual. Finally, I was HOME!Hub had went to get grandson-and I just needed a moment-no such luck though.  "Come here, Mamow." and it was a little play time.  Next came dinner and I couldn't eat!!  Step-son kept wanting grandson to eat-which of course he wouldn't -and the conversation went something like this:  "Come on Nate and eat.  If you don't eat you won't come back to Mamow  and Buddy-(he calls Charlie -Buddy and not Papaw)."  Nate would then commence to cry and say "I don't want to eat.  I want down."  Then Todd -Charlie's son by his first marriage, would say-"I'm telling you Nate you better eat.  Daddy is hungry and if you don't eat you aren't coming back."  More crying from Nate-"I not hungry." 
ENOUGH!!!  My adrenaline was still on high from my day and just stop was what I wanted to say but instead I just got up from the table and went outside.  Sometimes it is best to just not say anything. Late I cleaned up the dishes and was able to eat later.  After a hard, long day, I just needed a few minutes to debrief.  People who do not teach have a hard time understanding this, but it is so true.  After being interviewed by the Federal Review Team and finish teaching 8th graders-I just need to debrief-not coming home to a three year old and then listen to arguing about dinner.

Saturday was much better.  The Farmer's Market had opened and my aunt and I went early that morning.  Just to go and walk through the market was so refreshing, even though it was a bit chilly.

Today was so nice.  After church, I did nothing.  Then it hit me--#2 daughter graduates from college in just 3 weeks-Yikes!! time to get planning on much graduation 'stuff.'  Four years of college went by too fast.

1 comment:

  1. The college years have flown by! Congrats on having the review behind you!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...