Sunday, December 30, 2012

Weekend Rewind..

Weekend Rewind....

The last weekend or 2012 is coming to a close.  The year went by too fast for me.  The older I get, the faster the years go by.    So instead of Weekend Rewind... I am thinking about the year to rewind....
So many memories....
basketball games
a little bit of snow

a beautiful spring


Relay for Life
the never ending moving days...

proud to begin rotations-working for free

vacation time





I love my friends

Apple Festival



serving food to the needy

celebrating Christmas

I have been very blessesd this year.  So many great memories and so much happiness. 
I wish all a very Happy New Year.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish all a Merry Christmas.  Hub and the family will attend church, spend time with my aunt and her family, and then return home.

After the holiday, hub and I will be heading to Pigeon Forge for a couple of days. 

Wishing all health, joy, peace, and above all love this season.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Weekend Rewind...

Weekend Rewind.....

Just two more days till Christmas!  Yippee!!  I love Christmas and celebrating Jesus's Birthday.


Daughter #2 birthday is December 26th.  We had an early celebration-so she could celebrate with her boyfriend.  He is also a basketball player and has to return to college on the 26th.

He is actually taller-squatting a little.

Daughter #2 was able to join us along with her 'friend.'

After dinner, cupcakes---Basketball cupcakes.

Grandson has had the flu--poor fellow,  He is feeling much better especially  after receiving a special surprise on Saturday.

Sunday morning I was blessed hearing 'the little ones' sing. Bringing smiles to all.

The country ham is in the oven and the fixin's are done.  Now time to relax and enjoy. 

I wish all a Merry Christmas and I live you with one of my favorite songs...


Thursday, December 20, 2012


Joyce really got me thinking about the world we live in.  There will always be people who are rude but I am not going to dwell on I absolutely loved her idea and decided to join.

The first act of kindness was contributing to the Salvation Army.  I snapped this picture as soon as grandson was placing money in the kettle.  Aww..through the eyes of a child-willingly and happily placing money in the kettle. How many of us say to ourselves-- Oh No, I hope the person ringing the bell doesn't speak to me.

We have a lady who is in charge of our backpack program.  The backpack program is for children who go hungry over the weekend.  This lady orders all the food and delivers the backpacks to three schools on Friday-right now over 100 backpacks are given to the schools.  A special candle was given to her. 

A candle was also given to a lady who teaches Wednesday night to the little ones.

This was given to the librarians in our community.
Our town librarians are often overlooked.  These ladies are special and have so much patience with the little ones as well as the parents. I just wanted to show a little appreciation to them.

This past week has been a hard one for teachers.  I shed many tears over the past weekend.  Arriving at school on Monday, I learned from another student about a student who wasn't eating lunch because of not having any money.  After going through some red tape, I learned this was true.  A state policeman had kinda heard me (yep, I do talk loud) .  Later that day, the state policeman returned to school with a check covering the entire year for this student and his brother to have lunch.  The young student cried and so did I.  That evening at dinner, I was telling this story to my family (names not told of course) and both daughters said mom please let me know of anymore students and we will help out with that student's lunch.  Tears flowed again.  There are times when I say I am hungry, but I never know what hunger really is.  Every night I thank the Heavenly Father for allowing me to work and provide for family needs.

People seem to be in a hurry now a days.  We are constantly talking on our phones-in lines at the store and how many vehicles do we pass or vice versa that someone is not on the phone?  What has happened to society?  Speaking of driving, are we  in such a hurry we can't let another vehicle merge in?

Today, hub called to check on grandson-poor fellow has the flu.  Prayers appreciated.  Anyway, he asked for a sweet tea from McDonald's.  Hub and I ordered his sweet tea.  When we pulled up to pay, I asked how much was the person's order behind us ( hub gave me 'the look') and I graciously paid for both orders.  He said." you are being kind, aren't you?"  See I have already mentioned to hub that I was going out of my way to make myself more aware of others and to practice kindness-little does he know I have kinda made a resolution to continue this.

Kindness isn't about tangible items, of course this does help.  Kindness is doing 'little things' for others and not expecting or wanting anything in return.  A simple smile or Hello can make someones day.

To me and to sum it up__Kindness is doing what is right because it is the right thing to do.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday hodgepodge

Thank-you Joyce for our weekly hodgepodge.  To join just grab her button.

1. How will you spend 'the night before Christmas'? 

A light dinner before heading to church at 6pm.  Daughter #2 will be singing "Go Light Your World" at the candle light service.  After church, we all head to my aunt's house for a huge dinner.  When all have eaten, 'the little ones' open up presents.  Much laughter follows.  With our stomachs full and belly hurts from laughing so much, we head home.
Later, when all is gone to bed, hub and I sit together in our living room-just talking and remembering the Christmas's of the past and all that has happened since our marriage.  A dainty way to begin our Christmas because it is usually Christmas morning by this time.

2.  What is one thing you are not?
3.  Fudge-are you a fan?  Your favorite flavor?

Yes a fudge fan and my favorite flavor-peanut butter.  A colleague made cinnamon fudge-different but great.

4. Did you attend any craft/vendor fairs in the month of December?  Do you prefer homemade goodies or the more professional stalls? Are you giving any homemade gifts this year? 

No opportunity to visit any craft shows this year :(

5. What's your favorite type of holiday gathering? 

My favorite type of holiday gathering is getting together with loved ones.  Getting older has made me realize how each year is becoming more and more precious to me.

6.  We're approaching a new year...what's going to be different in 2013? 

I have already told my family two things I am going to different in 2013,  Number one- I am pretty critical of one family member-offering advice on how to raise a child-and saying how wrong it is to spend so much time away-so next year-I am going to bite my tongue or tune out and stop being so critical.
Number two--this one is because of Joyce-I am going to practice more kindness throughout the year.  Being kind can be as simple as offering to take a colleague's bus duty when she has little ones at home,  As you can tell, I am already brainstorming ideas.

7. Share a favorite scripture, quote, saying, or song lyric relating to peace.

Two favorite scriptures: Psalm 4:8 "I will both lie down in peace and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Then there is John 14:27-"Peace I leave with you.  My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Grandson was diagnosed with the flu today-doctors said type A & B.  Poor fellow-praying for a speedy recovery and it doesn't visit the rest of my family.
Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.  
God Bless each of you.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Weekend Rewind...

Weekend Rewind...

Being a teacher, I have cried many tears this weekend.  School is supposed to be a place of learning.  As teachers we practice the drills of evacuation, but we know these are only drills and never think it can never  happen at 'our' school with 'our students.  My heart like many others is very heavy.  

#1 daughter has finished one round of her rotations--Yeah!!  Saturday began lazily (is that a word?).

I can tell she is relieved to have part of her rotations behind her.

Saturday and Sunday night our church has a live Nativity scene from 6:30 to 9:00. With music playing at each scene. Much work goes into this-not only do we continue to feed the animals, we also feed the characters.  This is one of the few years my family hasn't been an active participate but I did sign up to bring food.  Hub and I drove grandson through the Nativity scene.

Yes, the animals are real--donkeys, sheep, and three camels, and this is just a few of the scenes..  We always have thousands of people to drive through the Nativity scene.  Each year it brings a tear to my eyes. 

I am looking forward to a three day school week,

I wish each and every one a safe and happy week. I leave you all with:

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Weekend Rewind..

Weekend Rewind...

Friday evening went to watch #2daughter coach basketball.  As I sat in on the bleachers, I thought how I came to watch daughter coach and how sad for some girls whose parent(s) were not there.  I want to ask these parents-"What is more important than watching your daughter participant in a sport or anything?"  My heart goes out to these young girls.

After the game, we had a Christmas Party to attend.  Of course, we arrived late-daughter more important- but the hostess understood.   The food was great and what a blessing it is to have these people in our lives.

Saturday hub and I finished up some last minute Christmas shopping and birthday shopping.  Did I mention birthdays-#1 daughter's birthday is December 30 and #2 daughter's birthday is December 26th.  Shew!

Sunday I actually was able to listen to the sermon.  I am usually in Wee Worship (3 & 4 year old) and will begin teaching again in January-this is another story.  Anyway, the sermon was on Preparing for Christmas-which hit home with me.  I am one of these people who is always running around trying to make sure all is taken  care of and perfect.  My daughters say I am OCD in the organization department.  So I listened intently to the sermon and vowed to put into practice what I heard.  That evening I went to watch the k-8 Children's Christmas Program.  What a treat and delight.  Again, I was truly touched and began thinking (which is sometimes dangerous for me).  Wouldn't it be so much more fun if I would be child-like again. I am not talking about being immature but seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child.  Instead of grumbling as I pull out the decorations, get excited about Jesus's Birthday.  I overhead one little child say, "Look it is Baby Jesus!" as he was staring at the manger scene-such excitement in this child's voice and eyes. I felt very ashamed of myself.  I never felt this excited about putting out our manger scene.  This Christmas I am going to rediscover the child in me-get excited about celebrating Jesus's Birthday, turn the lights on, and see the world differently.

Have a great week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wedensay hodgepodge

1.  Share your traditions surrounding the Christmas stocking.

The Christmas stockings are the last to open and the gifts are very practical.

2.  How many hours of sleep do you average at night?  Is it enough?
Usually I average around 5 and 1/2 hours of sleep each night but here lately it has been a lot less.  I am not doing anything differently just having trouble falling asleep.  I am blaming this on -getting older.

3.  If you had to give up one thing for the remainder of this year what would it be?
Have to give up or want to give up?  If I had to give up something, I have no earthly idea what it would be.  If I want to give up something it would be my nicorette gum-I have quit smoking (over a year now) but am addicted to the gum.

4.  The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (or Wills and Kate as I like to call them) have announced they're expecting a baby. Do you follow news of the Royals? 
Definitely yes and would love to go to London.

5.  For me,  the sound of childhood is__________________.
Something today's children don't hear.  I remember laughing and playing outside-even when the weather turned cooler-so many fun games.  Today, children go home and play on the computer, watch tv or play video games.

6.  Fruit cake-yay or boo? What's your favorite dessert made with fruit?
Not a fan of fruit cake.  Favorite dessert made with fruit-apple dumplings.

7. What is one thing you want to accomplish before 2012 comes to an end?

Haven't really thought about this.  Gosh where has the year gone?

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Eleven more days until Christmas break!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind...

Went to watch #2 daughter coach her first basketball game Friday night.  Well, she is the assistant varsity coach for girls' basketball.  This game was also against her former school.  This summer she went down and volunteered her time and went to camp with her former school girls' basketball.  At the first of August, she received a call and was asked to be the assistant coach -with pay.  When she found out she didn't get into PT school, she told them she would take the job-this way she could earn some money for PT school in the future.  Friday night some ugly comments were said to her-not to mention the fans were calling her a traitor.  How rude adults are!  She is no traitor but is getting paid to do something she loves! It never senses to amaze me how people are.

Saturday was a beautiful, sunny day.  Hub and I took grandson to our town's Christmas Parade.  We strolled down and enjoyed the parade.

Sunday, I got in the Christmas spirit.  Even though the temps were once again in the high 60's, I put on some Christmas music and baked some cookies.

The rest of the family sat outside and enjoyed the bright sunshine!  They had trouble understanding how I could be in the Christmas spirit.  Of course, they had no trouble eating the cookies.

Have a great week.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  With that being said I think I need to dive right in to some Christmas related questions, don't you? Which do you prefer-pretty gift wrap with a bow or a pretty gift bag with/without a bow?  What percentage of your holiday gifts are currently (as in right this very minute) wrapped in some form or fashion? 
Pretty packages with  a bow.  I enjoy wrapping presents and like to decorate the packages.
 0 %.  I usually don't start wrapping presents until the second week in December.

2.  What is one item on your Christmas list this year?
Absolutely nothing!  If I could have anything it would be for all in my family to be healthy.

3.  What makes a home?

4.  Motown founder Berry Gordy celebrates his birthday on Hodgepodge Day-November 28th. Are you a fan of the Motown sound?  If so, who's your favorite Motown artist and/or song? Here's a list in case you're stuck. 
I love the Motown sound.  It is hard to choose a favorite artist, but I must go with Smokey Robinson and his song 'Cruisin.'
5.  Red or green-which one is more prevalent in your closet?
Red is my favorite color.  I have a red Christmas Tree downstairs.
6.  True or false-bacon makes it better? If you answered true, what's your favorite dish made with bacon? 
I don't really know the answer to this one.  I like eggs and bacon!

7.  Share a favorite holiday memory.
I don't know if I really have a favorite one.  I remember Christmas as a child and my parents made it seem so special.  I remember hub and my first Christmas and daughters first Christmas-sometimes I can still hear their footsteps and giggles coming down the steps.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
#1 daughter is on rotations and Monday she was performing CPR on an 83 year old man.  The man did not make it and daughter was devastated.   Later daughter was told the man had an DNR on his chart.  I tried to explain to her that  God was watching over her, but she still felt terrible.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...