Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. What's a task you do on a regular (or semi-regular basis) that feels like it should be an Olympic event? 

Cleaning windows and blinds!!  Now that school is in session...also who can hold the longest before going to the bathroom! haha

2. What's in the trunk of your car right now? 

I have my exercise mat, my weights I use for exercise, and a chair.

3. Summer foods vs. fall foods...which do you prefer? 

Would you rather-watermelon or caramel apple? iced coffee or pumpkin spiced latte? potato salad or sweet potato casserole? barbecued ribs or roast turkey? ice cream sandwich or apple pie? corn on the cob or candy corn? 

I prefer watermelon, pumpkin spiced latte, sweet potato casserole, barbecued ribs, ice cream sandwich, and corn on the cob. I guess I am a little of both summer and fall foods.

4. August 7th is National Lighthouse Day. Have you visited any lighthouses? Do you have a favorite? Is a lighthouse something you seek out if you're visiting an area known for theirs? 

I love lighthouses.  I have visited lighthouses in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia.  My favorite is Cape Hatteras in North Carolina. 

I do seek out lighthouses if visiting an area.

5. Light at the end of the tunnel, out like a light, give the green light, a lightbulb moment, in a new light, in the limelight...of the 'light' idioms listed which applies in some way to your life lately? Explain. 

I have two:  out like a light.  With the beginning of school, I have been working non-stop.  Then when I get home, I have stuff to do like mow, laundry, and working in my garden.  When I go to bed, I am out like a light.

Give the green begins Thursday and I am ready!!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I was mowing on Monday after school.  I had planned on mowing and then work in my garden.  I have a huge yard!  Anyway, I had mowed part of the back yard (using my riding mower) and then I began my front yard, which I use a push lawnmower.  I just can't handle the riding mower on my front yard, because of all the landscaping hub had done.  After I was finished with the front yard, I proceeded to get back on the riding mower to finish the rest of the yard.  The mower wouldn't even crank!  I tried and tried.  I called hub's cousin (who is my lifesaver); he was out helping a friend and said he would be here when finished.  I did not want to wait!!  I called a friend who lives up above me, and he wasn't home.  I wanted to cry!!  I wanted to finish mowing so I could begin working in my garden.  Anyway hub's cousin came about an hour later.  He checked the problem.  He checked the problem.  He sat on the mower AND I had forgotten to disengage the blades!!!  We both had a good laugh!!  He did tell me that I made life interesting sometimes!!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!


  1. I made a similar mistake once with the mower; I literally forgot to engage the handle while pulling. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong! Then it dawned on me.

  2. Well I'm glad it was at least a simple fix! I remember the back to school exhaustion. Hope you have a great year!

  3. That’s funny about the lawn mower. Now you can enjoy working in your garden!

  4. Love the mower story! Enjoy your school starting up again!

  5. Love the answer to #1 - holding it until I can take a bathroom break is an event at my work too. LOL Glad the mower problem was a simple one - I have done that too! Have a great week!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...