Tuesday, December 26, 2023

An adventure...

I love New York.  I know it isn't many peoples cup of tea, but it is mine.  It has been at least 10 years since I have been back.

Daughter and I were talking a couple of months ago, and we talked about going to New York.  I was thrilled.  We started looking at our schedules and started making plans.  I told her the grandsons (ages 5 and the twins are 3) get so many gifts at Christmas and in a month they are no longer playing with them.  This was my Christmas gift to them.

We left on Saturday and headed to Pennsylvania.  

First stop Sesame Street:

The boys rode many rides...

Saw many characters...

Decorated their own gingerbread cookie while drinking hot chocolate.

While in Pennsylvania, we headed to Hershey's Park.  We rode trains, made our own candy bar, and saw Santa Claus. And ate tons and tons of chocolate!!

I think I gained 15lbs here.

Finally, New York!!

We walked around the city, went on a doughnut tour, toured Rockefeller Center, went on a Polar Express Train ride, and went shopping.

We headed home Friday just in time for Christmas.  A little tired, but we all, especially the boys had a great time.

I like giving adventures instead of presents.

Hope all had a Merry Christmas. 
Wishing all a very Happy New Year!

Enjoy Life,

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
1. Oxford's Word of the Year for 2023 is 'rizz'. Hmmm...before today had you ever heard the word? Do you know what it means? (Apparently it's short for charisma) Have you ever used the word? If you were in charge of the world, what word would you declare word of the year for 2023?

I have not heard of this word.
X  would be by word of the year.  Elon changed Twitter to X so this is my word.  X stands for the 'unknown' and I feel we are living in the unknown never knowing what to expect anymore.

2. What's one word you tend to abbreviate in your writing or speech? (as in rizz for charisma)


3. Are you a Hallmark movie watcher this time of year? What's your favorite character from a holiday- themed movie, book, or TV special? 

I do watch a few Hallmark movies. My favorite character has been Kristy Swanson.  She was great in the movie, A Christmas Wish.

4. Something you look forward to eating this month? 

I just finished telling a colleague yesterday that I was tired of Christmas food!   I love how my son-in-law smokes ham.  So, I am looking forward to eating smoked ham.

5. What's the most stressful part of the holiday season for you? 

I think I have made a mistake planning this Pennsylvania/New York trip.  I told a friend I was leaving next Saturday when I am leaving this Saturday!!  Being in school till Friday and leaving Saturday. one can say right now I am a bit stressed out considering I haven't baked one thing!  But in the end, it will all be okay.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

We took our 8th graders to Pigeon Forge Friday.  The students had a great time and were so well behaved.  It was a looong day...leaving school at 7:00 am and returning at 11:pm.  It was a long day!

Saturday, I was able to meet some ole friends.

Sunday evening was the kids Christmas Program at church.  If you are having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit (which I do) then a children's Christmas Program will brighten your day.

My two grandsons were a sheep and a donkey.

Blake was a rapper.

We ( I) need to slow down and just enjoy this peaceful season and remember the true meaning of Christmas.


Merry Christmas!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...