Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Driving Into the Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
1. Last time you drove more than 100 miles from your home? Where did you go? 

Last December, I drove to see an ole friend from college.  I spent New Year's Eve with her and New Year's Day.  She lives in Roanoke and is a nurse.  We had gotten in touch with each other over the summer, she came to my house in October, and we made plans for me to spend New Year's Eve with her.  

2. Something that drives you batty? 

People who live in a fake  world....and people who share their dirty laundry.  I have Facebook , and I do look at Facebook and post some things.  But so many people paint this wonderful picture on facebook and live in this make believe world, but it isn't true. Maybe this is the only one people can cope with what is really going on in their lives.  Then you have people who air out their dirty laundry...oh my drives me batty.  BUT then again, I have to choice to look at Facebook or not and so it is my fault this drives me batty.

3. Do you feel like you're 'on track'? For what? 

No!!  I had planned to do so much around the house over the summer and Nope haven't accomplished much and school starts in TWO weeks!  No way am I on track.

4. Your favorite car snack(s)? 

When youngest daughter played college basketball, there was a lot of traveling.  I always took apples, almonds, and carrots.  Something about the crunch was satisfying to me.  Hub would always pull into a fast food place and grab a burger and fries; I just couldn't eat all that grease, sit in a car for hours, and then have to sit and watch a basketball game.  Of course, at the game, I always got popcorn and candy.

5. Something you've done recently 'on the fly'? 

Only thing that comes to my mind is letting daughter cut my hair.  I haven't been able to make a hair appointment and my hair was getting on my nerves.  Last  Thursday, as a matter of fact, daughter asks if I want her to cut my hair which I quickly replied, "Sure." I had forgotten all about it till she came Friday to pick up the boys with her scissors and other stuff.  Now, my daughter is a DPT not a hairdresser!!!  I let her cut my hair and I must admit she did a good job!  She said she watched a lot of videos on You Tube and learned.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I have been freezing a lot of squash, zucchini, and zucchini bread...I am so glad I put out a little garden.  I have enjoyed working in my garden this summer maybe that is why I haven't accomplished my inside house projects.

My daughter has had some female problems and goes for more tests this morning.  Please whisper a prayer all will be okay. Thanks

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Do you like the beach? How far do you have to drive to get to the nearest beach? Your least favorite thing about the beach? Last beach trip you took? 

I like going to the beach; there is something with the ocean that makes me calm and at peace.  The closest beach is about 8 hrs away.  My least favorite is when the wind is blowing hard and the sand stings you.  Last year I went to the beach.

2. Are you known for making waves or are you more of a 'go along to get along' kind of person? Explain.

I am more of a 'go along to get along'.  When it comes to certain conversation topics, I usually keep quiet or just nod my head in agreement.  Same goes when with a group and trying to decide what to do or where to eat.

3. A favorite song that in some way references the beach? A favorite book and/or movie with a beach-y setting? 

Favorite song..."Under the Boardwalk" this song always reminds me of the beach. Book ..The Beach House  favorite movie...."Blue Lagoon".

4.Tuesday is National Simplicity Day...what's a simple pleasure you've enjoyed this week? What's something you could eliminate from your life to make things simpler? 

Getting harvest from my small garden!  Chasing and getting rid of groundhogs would make my life simpler.

5. What's something you love to do? Do you do it often? Why or why not? 

Love to read and travel.  I read often just about every day.  I don't get to travel as much as I would like because I don't like traveling solo.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Here lately, I feel like I am living in a rainforest.  It has rained for the past 7 days and trying to take care of my garden and lawn has been playing dodgeball with the rain/storms.

Have a great rest of the week!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. July 6th is National Fried Chicken Day...are you a fan? Do you make your own or have a favorite place to buy from? Do you own chickens? If not chicken what's your favorite fried food?

A fan of fried chicken!!  I have never made my own fried chicken.  

I do not own any chickens, but a lot of my friends do.

2.  What's something you're too chicken to try?

I am too chicken to go to a restaurant and eat dinner by myself.  Going Solo....I just don't know.

3. When did you last find yourself running around like a 'chicken with its head cut off'?

Here lately, it is been about every day. Just on example:  a couple of weeks ago I decided to buy the grandsons their own beds for my house.  Problem was all my bedrooms have beds (duh)!!  My cousin came over and said for me to sell the King Size bed (this was on a Tuesday) I haven't slept in that bed since my late hub died.  My cousin posted it on FB and by that evening it had sold! My daughter had found a bunk bed with twin beds.  Early Wednesday morning, the person came to get my King Size bed (shew!! tearing it down was a nightmare).  After he left, I went to daughter's house and we went to get the bedroom suit for my grandsons. Plus all the other stuff...bedding, pillows, rugs, etc.  Well, the bedroom suit wouldn't fit in her van.  We get to her lake house, I unloaded all the other stuff from her van, and loaded my car with it.  I was headed home when Keith (my late daughter's husband) called and he had found 7 totes of stuff that was mine.  He was bringing it to my house.  I got home unloaded the vehicle and my  had put full size stuff in the buggy and I needed twin size.  Keith came and I helped him unload his truck with my totes (SEVEN).  I asked Keith if he would mind taking me to the place where we had purchased the beds and I was going to return the bedding for the proper size.  He agreed and I am so glad no one was around because the bed stuff was long and I was in the back of his truck trying to make it fit!  We headed home and we opened the box and was carrying the pieces in; it was so heavy.  Finally, Kenneth (daughter's hub) came from work and we all began assembling the bed. I turn around and here is Emily with the three boys.  Well, you know how excited they were.  But, even though you read the directions stuff is hard to put together.  We ordered pizza for dinner and the boys wanted to spend the night in their new bed.  Another problem..I had no PJ's but I had undershirts but no night time diapers for the twins.  By this time it is almost 10pm. Now in my small town the only place that is open this late is a grocery store and it closes at 11pm. I rush to the store and buy night time diapers!!!  I was so was one thing after the other that day, but in the end it all turned out perfect.


4. Something you've done recently that makes you think 'I'm no spring chicken'

Tending to my garden, mowing, weed eating, baking 6 loaves of zucchini bread to freeze and cleaning windows in the same day....NEVER again...I was pooped!  My mind said I could, but my body felt the tiredness.

5. 'Winner winner chicken dinner'...tell us about something good that's happened in your life lately. 

I celebrated another trip around the sun on Sunday.  Everyday is a blessing.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Having all 3 boys spend the night was a blessing

I don't mind sharing my veggies with my neighbor but the groundhogs have got to go...caught 3

My birthday cake the boys got me.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...