Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. What do you wish you'd done more of last year? Less of? 

First thing I thought of was Listening.  I wish I would have really listened, I mean really, truly listen to others.

Less of would be talking...Open mouth and insert Foot...this happened a lot to me.

2. What's the tallest building you've ever been in? Do you have a fear of heights? 

Empire State Building    I have some fear of heights if I am on a ride, but otherwise heights don't bother me.

3. Do you have a word for the year? Elaborate if you'd like to elaborate. 

I have a word for the year....EMBRACE.  I have made 62 trips around the sun and I want to embrace what time I have left.

4. January 11 is National Milk Day...are you a milk drinker? What kind? Your favorite recipe that calls for milk (cereal doesn't count)? 

I am not a fan of milk at all.  Favorite recipe that calls for milk is mac and cheese.

5. What excites you most about the future? What do you miss about the past? 

What excites me about the future is having something to look forward to (trips, meeting friends, etc)  Embrace and Shake off the Fear.

What I miss about the past is family gatherings and just talking (No cell phones) allowed.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Our school system was on a 2hr delay on Monday because of black ice.  I didn't hear my phone buzz for the message.  I get up and drive to school and the parking lot is DESERTED.  I called a friend to see what was going on...that is when I learned about the 2hr delay.  I was the joke of the school until I told them I knew we were on a 2hr delay; I was just an overachiever!!!

This little guy turns 4 on Saturday.  He is the sweetest boy and is so caring and helpful.  I have told my youngest daughter that he reminds me so much of my precious Amanda with his sweet and caring disposition.

Have a great rest of the week.  Shucks...wouldn't let me post pictures!


  1. I used to have the same issue with blogger and posting pictures until I started using Google Chrome. So very frustrating. Wow! so glad you didn't fall victim to the black ice on your early trek to work and hope you didn't have to stay in your car all 2 hrs. That certainly is a cute pie and I'm sorry the rest of the pictures didn't cooperate.

  2. I put my foot in my mouth a few times this past year too!

  3. Oh boy, listening more is such a great goal. Embrace is a great word, too. Oye about not getting the memo on the school delay. Wonderful to enjoy a sweet little grand. Happy birthday to your sweet 4 year old!

  4. I enjoyed your answers. That is a great word of the year.

  5. "Embrace"...what a great word! I am the QUEEN of putting my foot in my mouth. Attempts to keep it shut are often unsuccessful. :)
    I've done the 2-hour delay thing before. I definitely was ready for the day when it actually started! :)


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...