Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
Thank-you Joyce for re-starting the HP!

1. How did you name your blog and do you now wish you had thought about it maybe another five minutes before hitting publish? Would you change your blog title if it were not a huge pain in the derriere? 

I must have been really enjoying life...back in the day!  To Enjoy Life means to be happy from within and to be happy/thankful for what you have.  Some circumstances that happens to us can't be avoided (I KNOW!) and these circumstances make it hard to enjoy life.  But God gives us life to Enjoy Life.  I use to have a terrible habit of worrying about the yesterdays or the tomorrows and missed out on enjoying the present.

So Enjoy Life now!  I don't think I would change the title of my blog.

2. What bill do you least like to pay? 

The electric bill.

3. What is your favorite word? Okay okay, calm down. How about one of your favorite words? 

Faith which also means trust.
I have this acronym:

4. Is the glass half full or half empty? Elaborate. 

Half-full--really trying to be more optimistic and when a negative thought enters I quickly get it out of my head.  When we see the world with rose-tinted glasses, the world does have a softer appearance.  

5. Were you here for that very first Hodgepodge post? If so, were your answers then similar to what they are today? Tell us what was happening in your life in November of 2010? 

I honestly, don't think I was here for the very first Hodgepodge.

November 2010, I was teaching full time, had one daughter in pharmacy school and the other daughter was playing college basketball.  Probably staying very busy!

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Planning a surprise birthday for my aunt this weekend. Her birthday was this past Sunday,but she was sick with a head cold so moving the celebration to this weekend.

I am really enjoying this weather...great temps in the 70s.

I got this in the mail this week

I am good for another 10 years!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!


  1. We have had the most gorgeous weather here this fall and I'm wishing it could last a while longer. Enjoy celebrating your aunt!

  2. Great blog name, love your acronym for faith. Congratulations on your license renewal!

  3. In 2010 I had a 3 year old and a newborn!

  4. Love the blog name! Have a great surprise party for your aunt! ❤️

  5. Visiting from hodgepodge! I love your blog name - yes! Let's enjoy life!

  6. Great blog name. I just bought a pretty wood sign that says Walk By Faith. Happy birthday to your aunt! Happy Hodgepodge.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...