Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Is Halloween a big deal in your neighborhood? Was it something you celebrated as a child? With your own children? Do you like candy corn? 

Halloween use to be a big deal in my neighborhood.  It was so fun seeing all the little ones dressed up and trying to scare me.  As a child, my neighborhood was close, houses on top of houses so it was a big deal.  And we got a lot of candy!!!   My daughters experienced a different type of Halloween because we have moved to the country, but they still have fun running from house to house.

Most churches in my town do a Trunk or Treat and that has cut down on the kids going from house to house.  Last year, with COVID, we still had hundreds and hundreds of kids coming through but all was inside a vehicle.  

Not a fan of candy corn at all!!!!!

2. Are you a scaredy cat? About what? 

Sometimes....when it is completely dark and I hear a noise then I get a little scared.  Also, when coming home and it is dark (I dread the time change), I get scared.  I have my pepper spray out!!!

3. Last time you were somewhere that should have been busy but felt like a 'ghost town'? 

I can't remember...

4. Do you like chili and if so how do you like it? Beans or no beans? Meat or no meat? Beef or chicken? Spice or no spice? Favorite toppings? 

I love chili with beans or without beans.  Definitely need beef in my chili (even though I can eat white chili).  Spicy chili with onions, cheese, and green onions.

5. Would you describe yourself as a night owl? What time of night qualifies? What are you doing while everyone else is asleep? Do you then 'sleep in'? Define 'sleeping in'. 

I use to be a night owl awake till 3 in the morning.  Most of the time I would eat and try to watch shows.  I have never slept in...I am up before 7 every morning.  Now, I have been going to bed by 11.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This week has been BUSY!!! and it is only Wednesday!  I have not stopped.  I enjoy staying busy but I am kinda tired.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!


  1. Wow - I don't think I could stay up until 3. My husband nor I are night owls and we actually have a rule "we will not discuss anything important or make decisions after 7:00 p.m." Enjoyed your answers.

  2. COVID brought a new look to the drive-through - for baby showers, graduations, birthdays, and Halloween!

  3. I get scared in the dark too sometimes, especially when I'm out with my dog in the middle of the night.

  4. COVID really has changed how we celebrate, hasn't it?

  5. Our church is also doing a trunk or treat as is our neighborhood. As kids we loved trick or treating for blocks...such a fun night but times change and I guess trunk or treat is the new way to celebrate. Hope you get to see your grands dressed up!

  6. I don't like the tie change stuff either; going to the car in the dark is so annoying.

  7. Great answers....when I read the questions I thought "wait, is there even such a thing as chili without beans"


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...