Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. As we begin this brand new month tell us, on a scale of 1-10, where does your life fall in terms of being in 'apple pie order'? Please elaborate. (1=nowhere near it, 10=practically perfect in every way)

Before the start of school my life WAS a 9!  I had stuff in 'apple pie' order.  Now, that I am back to teaching (only part-time) it is a 3, IF THAT!  I just don't know where the time goes when I get home in the evenings and I have been pretty tired trying to get back in the swing so stuff keeps getting put off.

2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away...are you doing your part? Red or green? Sweet or tart? Ever played the game Apples to Apples? Do you like apple pie? If so, ala mode or just gimme the pie? 

Green apples  Granny Smith especially.  Just about every other night I have an apple as a snack with a dip I found with only 3 ingredients:  1 carton of vanilla Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup of peanut butter  and 3 tablespoons of honey and then just mix!!  It is delicious.

Never played nor have I heard of the game Apples to Apples.  Just gimme the apple pie.

3. Tell us about a time recently where you 'upset the apple cart' or the last time someone 'upset your apple cart'? 

My apple cart was upset the beginning of August and it was my fault!  I had planned a week in Pigeon Forge the first week of August with my aunt.  I could have sworn that teachers would return to school on August 10th.  BUT I was completely wrong!!  Teachers had to return August 3rd!!  My aunt and I spent one day and one night in Pigeon Forge not 6 nights!!  I was so upset with myself!

4. What are three words that come to mind when you think of September? 

Football (love watching college football not so much pros), Apple Festival (crossing fingers the governor still allows us to continue with this tradition) and beautiful (the trees begin changing colors)

5. What are you most looking forward to this month? 

Cooler least in the low 80s!  This 90+ weather with the high humidity that takes one breath away quick as you step outside is not for me.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Had to have a mammogram last Thursday (ugh) so I made the trip to see grandsons.  I don't know who was happier me or them...probably me!  Blake, who is 3, is into Toy Story so I had bought him a Buzz Light Year (which daughter has said he takes him everywhere) and the twins, who are 17 months old, I had purchased books and puzzles and picture cards! Plus I had bought them some clothes.  I just can't go visit without taking them something.  They are growing up too fast and tickle me too death with their vocabulary and questions. 

Blake is too shy to have his picture taken.  These twins are a mess!

I went to watch my cousin play in his football game last Saturday evening.  He is a senior this year and it felt good being back to some normalcy (course I really don't know what that really feels like ).  With all that has been happening in the world lately, felt good to laugh, yell, and clap!


  1. The twins are adorable! There is nothing quite like a grandchild!!

  2. So glad you were able to see your grands! It is hard not to spoil them : ) Sorry about your week in Pigeon Forge. I think everyone is mixed up about the day-time-year right now so don't be too hard on yourself. Have a nice week!

  3. Agreed; school began and once I was back to teaching, life got all wonky!

  4. That dip sounds amazing. If my girls were still in HS I would say soccer since here girls play soccer in the fall sport season. Glad you got to see your grandkids. I babysat mine yesterday.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...