Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

 1. I feel like episode 400 cannot go without comment. That's a whole lot of Hodgepodging folks. 2000 questions if my math is right. So, what's something you feel like you do 400 times a week? 

Opening my refrigerator/cabinet door.  I swear, with this social distancing, I am eating constantly.  It is though my refrigerator and cabinet door is asking "What on earth could you possibly want now to munch on now?"  The struggle is REAL!

2. Tell us where you were and something about what your life looked like in the year 2000

At first, afraid....with changing from 1900s to 2000 didn't know if all the technology would be able to switch over. We were moving again (never more than 5 miles away from the previous house); hubs just loved moving. I must admit, this house (no longer live here anymore) was my favorite house. 
Raising two daughters, 13 yr. old and 11 yr.old, kept me busy.  My 11 yr. old was a sports fanatic so I know I was always at some gym watching basketball.  My 13 yr. old loved reading, so I imagine I was also going to many bookstores.

3. Do you like cinnamon? What's something you make and enjoy that calls for cinnamon? Of the cinnamon 'foods' listed which is your favorite-red hot cinnamon candies, cinnamon toast, cinnamon rolls, cinnamon toast crunch cereal, apple cinnamon oatmeal, churros, an Indian curry?
I like cinnamon.  Apple dumplings, my favorite I enjoy baking that uses cinnamon (I probably put more than the recipe calls for) 
Cinnamon rolls!

4. Does Christmas 2020 (or Hanukkah) look much like it has in years past, or is this year vastly different for you and your family? How so? How are you feeling about it all? 
A very different kind of Christmas this year.  No one is getting together and presents are being delivered before Christmas Eve. 
I will be by myself and a very sad Christmas for me. The weather report isn't too promising....very heavy rain, temps dropping to the single digits, and snow.   But Christmas is celebrating the birth of our Savior and that puts it all in perspective for me.  There is HOPE in this world; something I yearn for.

5. What's one thing you need or want to do before this year ends? 

Selecting a word for 2021!!  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I know, Christmas looks a lot different for many of us this year.  Many of us aren't too happy about our circumstances.  But we can be joyful....there is a difference between happiness and joy.  Happiness comes and goes and is not always in my heart ; sometimes it is sad and this is normal because I am human.  But the joy in my heart  comes from Christ. In times of trials and disappointments when I am sad, I can still have joy.  Joy comes from Christ that NEVER leaves. 
Wishing all a Merry Christmas!


  1. Oh yes, I remember Y2K well although I have to admit I didn't think of it until I read your answer. I think everyone likes cinnamon rolls, what's not to like ;) Well said #6. Merry Christmas!

  2. I'm so sorry you'll be alone on Christmas day. But I was reading about the word Immanuel today and God is with us and He is with you this hard Christmas. May the new year be brighter!

  3. Amen to your #6. Praying a little prayer that God gives you lots of joy on Christmas.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...