Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Just your weekly mid-week reminder that it's fall y'all and it's my favorite. I love nearly all the flavors of fall but let's weigh in with an either or today...pumpkin or cranberry? hot apple cider or pumpkin spice latte? cinammon or maple? apple or pear? ginger or sage? carrot or butternut squash? Yes you have to choose. What's a favorite dish made with one of the flavors listed here? 

I dislike cooking!  One day I will write a post about all my mishaps in the kitchen.  A teacher had found a journal of my late daughter, Amanda, and she had written about one of my mishaps!!  Oh Lord, the teacher couldn't believe it, but it was all true.  With that ....I would have to choose hot apple cider. I would buy the cider, pre-bottled of course, heat it up and add a garnish of cinnamon stick. ta da!

2. Do you miss traveling? In this season of almost no travel do you think you've grown anxious or fearful about traveling again? Or has all this staying home not going anywhere made you restless to get out and see the world? What book have you read or what movie have you watched that has inspired you to travel? 

I miss traveling.  I will fess up and say that I am still fearful to travel.  Many people I have spoken with are traveling with very little reservations but I just can't right now. AND staying at home by myself has taken a toll on me!  

Into the Wild brother lived in Alaska many years ago and I never visited.  This movie made me kick myself in the behind.

3. A time you felt like you were 'flying by the seat of your pants'? Explain. 

I can't think of a time.  I am a planner...always scheduling things, making sure of every detail, thinking about all the stuff that can go wrong if I decide to do something, etc.

4. Do you struggle with road rage or are you more of a 'Sunday driver'? Do you like to be 'in the driver's seat (literally and/or figuratively speaking) ?

It depends on. If I am trying to get somewhere and running a tad late and then get behind a slow poke I can experience road rage. Usually, I try to remain calm because I know from experience (hub owned his own insurance company) that road rage leads to accidents!

On a nice, sunny day, and traveling on country roads, I am a 'Sunday driver' just taking my time enjoying the drive as the music blares in the background.

I wrestle with being in the driver's seat.  Definitely a person who likes to be in control and with life throwing me a couple of curveballs lately, this has been difficult.  I am a work in progress.

5. Something you've recently 'put the brakes on'? 

Sadly, I have 'put the brakes on' letting people use their children to control me.  Does it hurt?  Hurt isn't the word for it. Many days and nights I am on my knees praying fervently to God to open a door and intervene.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This gorgeous tree is losing its leaves.  On Saturday, I decided to rake and mulch some; that way I wouldn't have so much to do all at once.  Saturday was a perfect day for it.  Now, I knew there were roots and where the roots were. I was moving along AND then bang I had hit a root.  The lawn mower stopped and black stuff was coming out from underneath.  I pushed the mower, because I couldn't get the dang thing to turn on, to the back of my yard.  Next, I tried turning it over...Right?  me turning over a riding mower!!!  What was I thinking???  I was thinking I could straighten out the blade!  You know the rest of the story....$200 later the mower was fixed!  
My mind wonders while mowing and I was daydreaming while mulching leaves.  Lesson learned the hard way....Pay attention more while mulching leaves!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life


  1. I am a planner too. I try to remember to have a plan but be open for changes but it isn't always easy ;)
    That is a beautiful tree. We were out raking leaves this weekend too. It was the perfect weather for it. Sorry about your lawnmower! Have a great rest of the week :)

  2. Oh that mower incident sounds expensive AND dangerous! I think I spend more time in prayer the older I get. And I too am a planner. :-)

  3. Thankfully you were not hurt by that lawnmower! We went on a cruise to Alaska back in 2006. I would do it again!

  4. I'm wondering who did the cooking while your family was still living at home. Maybe you weren't all THAT bad! Cut yourself some slack.

  5. P.S. You were very brave and certainly well-intentioned when you tried to fix the mower on your own. :o)

  6. I'm impressed that you attempted to fix a riding lawn mower on your own! The fall leaves are beautiful where you live!

  7. I think we're all a work in progress. I'm sorry about your situation with children/control. I'm sure it's difficult and painful both. I'm glad you got that mower repaired and weren't injured in the process!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...