Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

 1. When is the last time you experienced nostalgia? 

Everyday I experience nostalgia.  Here lately, I keep remembering and saying..."This time last year Amanda and I were..." AND my heart breaks.  Nostalgia (for me right now) is not warm and fuzzy.  Probably not warm and fuzzy for a lot of people with the COVID and not being able to see love ones.

 2. September 29th is National Coffee Day. Do we need this? Ha! So are you a coffee drinker? If so how many cups per day, and tell us how you like it. Is there a recipe you enjoy that calls for coffee as one of the ingredients? 
I am a coffee drinker.  Usually black but some days I prefer a taste of Hazlenut creamer. I am sticking to only 2 cups a day but I know as the weather turns cooler and the days get shorter I might just add one more cup.
I don't have a recipe that calls for coffee.

 3. Do you find praise or criticism to be more motivating? Explain. 
Leaning more toward criticism.  I have been a person who can handle criticism...CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM that is.  Instead of getting upset, I examine myself and reevaluate my actions, words, etc.  Become motivated to change, if necessary.

 4.  What's a television series you keep coming back to and re-watching? 

Can't wait for the new season to begin.

 5. As the month of September draws to a close give us three words to describe your mood. 
Anxious for Spring. 
Fall is a beautiful time of year, but I know what follows.  Not reading for the shivering cold.

 6. Insert your own random thought here.

Right now, our weather has turned a bit fallish....rainy and chilly outside.  
I am missing some of the fall activities that have been cancelled due to COVID....pumpkin patch, corn maze, even trick or treating has been cancelled in our community.  But I keep telling myself this too shall pass.
Have a great rest of the week.  
Keep on keepin on and Enjoy Life


  1. I'm sorry that nostalgia for you isn't warm and fuzzy right now.

    Hugs and blessings~

  2. I know these days are so hard and I admire your courage and strength. Not sure what the plan is here for Halloween. We have very few children in our neighborhood so not a huge deal for us. I know kids must be disappointed though. Have a good day!

  3. So sorry that you are sad, remembering times past during these most trying times!
    I haven't tried hazelnut creamer, will look for it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Nostalgia sometimes is sad. I'm sorry.
    I agree with you on winter. Not a winter fan here.
    Hazelnut anything--yum!

  5. I'm not a winter fan either but, thankfully, we have fairly mild winters here in NE Louisiana. Wishing you an enjoyable fall and maybe spring will arrive early next year.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...