Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
Thank you Joyce for your questions.

1. Saturday marks the first official day of summer! Whoohoo! Your favorite thing about the season?

I have to stayed cooped up in winter and I enjoy being outside.  My favorite thing about this season is being able to be outside in the evenings (after it has cooled down some) and just sitting.  Sometimes I read and listen to music as I watch the day turn into night.

2. Love it!, labor of love, not for love or money, no love lost, love handles, love does, love-hate relationship, misery loves company, tough love, love will find a way...pick one and tell us how it applies to your life right now.

Love handles definitely!!  I have jokingly said I need to be quarantained from my refrigerator.  I swear, every time  I walk by I have to open it or the cabinets and stick something in my mouth!

3. What's one thing currently causing you to seethe? One thing currently making you smile?

The media causes me to seethe!  I know I should keep abreast with some of the happenings in the world, but ya'll it is just a bit too much for me.

How can you not smile when seeing these pictures?

I very seldom see or hear from them.  But they are all sweet boys. 

4. Of the following to-dos found on a summer checklist (here) which three would definitely make your personal list of summer want-to-dos?

roast marshmallows over a fire, go berry or peach picking, dangle your feet off the end of a dock, sit on a porch swing, watch the sunset from a beach, nap in a hammock, go barefoot in the grass, collect seashells, play tennis, go fishing, build a sandcastle, catch fireflies, eat a soft serve ice cream cone, make a pitcher of Sangria, swim in a lake, stargaze, ride a bike, paddle a canoe or kayak, make a summer road trip, throw a frisbee

Dangling my feet off the end of a dock, watching the sunset from the beach while sipping on a Sangria.

Do you make an actual list?

I use to make a lot of lists (things to do, grocery list, house repair lists) but now only a few lists are made.

5. Thursday is National Splurge Day. What might you splurge on in order to celebrate?

Probably food!!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

This past weekend, I helped a friend with her son's girlfriend baby shower.  The shower was postponed earlier due to COVID.  The shower was different from baby showers in the past....the food was served by us so no one touched anything!!  We all had on gloves and masks.  My friend explained this to the guests and also asked the guests to congratulate the 'Mother to Be' from afar. No one seemed to mind the new rules.


  1. It is nice to just be able to sit outside, isn't it? I sit out morning and evening, but admit to preferring the bugs chomping on me then. lol

  2. Glad the shower was still a success. Have a great summer!

  3. I'm glad you were able to have a shower for the mom-to-be. Such strange times we are living in. Thankful for my faith and knowing God is in control. I hope you get some time with those babies soon!

  4. Nothing quite like grandchildren to put a smile on one's face. The shower looks lovely and it sounds like you and the hostesses were innovative in helping everyone enjoy it while being safe.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...