Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday Medley

1.  I think St. Valentine's Day is for everyone, whether you have a romantic love interest or not.  I received a Valentine card from my sister (thank you Patti!) - case in point.  It is all about LOVE, not just romantic love.  What are your traditions for celebrating Valentine's Day?

Before hub passed away (November 2018), we would go out and eat...nothing fancy.  I always told him no gifts because every day was Valentine's Day with us.
2.  When you were in elementary school, did you decorate a shoe box and deliver those little valentines to all your classmates?   Perhaps in Sunday School?3.  Do you enjoy playing Cupid?  Have you ever introduced a couple who really clicked?

I made the little shoe boxes in elementary school and it was so fun putting the valentines in them.  When I first began teaching, (1982) we began decorating paper bags and having the students put valentines in them.  Now, I don't think teachers do this...too much curriculum to teach.
I can recall teaching at the high school level and the many, many flowers that were delivered to school for that special someone.
I haven't introduced a couple that clicked, but on the flip side of that, I have introduced a couple that didn't click at all.
4.  Which traditional Valentine's Day gift would you rather receive:  Chocolate, flowers, or a card with a personal message?

I would chose a card with a personal message.
5.  What is the best movie to watch on Valentine's Day?
Image result for The notebook
"The Notebook

6.  Tell us something random about your week!

This rainy weather is awful!!  I am enjoying the warm temps which I think is unusual for this time of year, but not the rain.  My ground is a muddy mess.

Image result for canoe
Might be needing this as my form of transportation.
Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

No words....

It is with a heavy heart, I write this today.
There are simply no words to express my sympathy for this precious family.

Last Monday a fellow student, friend, state trooper, a member of the Tactile Team, a 28 year old hero was killed in the line of duty.  My heart aches for his family he left behind. 

Thousands attended his services and many people lined the streets of my small town to show their respect.

I pray for God to comfort his family in the days, months, and years ahead.


Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Waiting for a Star to Fall (1988)

1) "Waiting for a Star to Fall" was literally inspired by a falling star. The singing/songwriting duo of Boy Meets Girl was at a big, outdoor concert and could have sworn they saw a falling star in the night sky. Have you ever seen a falling star? 

Yes, many years ago at a Drive -In.

2) They offered this song to Whitney Houston, who declined to record it. Whitney did have hits with two other songs they wrote: "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" and "How Will I Know?" What's your favorite Whitney song?

"One Moment In Time"
3) Boy Meets Girl were George and Shannon, a husband-and-wife team originally from Seattle, WA. In 2016, Seattle was named America's most "bike-friendly city." Do you own a bike?

No, I don't own a bike.
4) George and Shannon met for the first time at a wedding. She was a guest, he was in the band. Think of the last wedding present you bought. Was it from the bride and groom's registry?

No the gift wasn't from the bride and groom's registry.  Instead, I paid for some of their honeymoon expense...Surprise!
5) In 1988, when this song was popular, 98% of American homes had a TV set. Today, that figure has dipped to 96%, presumably because Millennials are watching more content online. What's the last video you watched online?

I can't remember.
6) In 1988 saw the introduction of one of the most memorable slogans of all time: "Just Do It." Without looking it up, do you know what brand "Just Do It" promotes? 

Nike, I think.

7) In 1988, Sonny Bono went from entertainer to Republican politician when he was elected Mayor of PalmSprings. Have you ever met the mayor of your town?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I am running for Town Council.

8) Michael Douglas took home the Oscar in 1988 for his portrayal of Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street. The American Film Institute named Gekko one of the "top movie villains of all time." Do you think bad guys are as interesting as good guys?

No, but I always want the good guys to win.

9) Random question: Have you ever seen a photo of yourself naked? (Baby pictures don't count.)
No, I would pass out if I did!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday Medley

1.  Today, Wednesday, February 6th, is Frozen Yogurt Day!  A cold dessert on what must be a very cold day for most of you reading this today!  Do you enjoy frozen yogurt?  Does it matter what the weather is?  Share with us your favorite flavor and/or topping, please!!

We are experiencing nice,warm weather in my neck of the woods!!  I am not complaining but it seems a little unusual to have temps in the high 60s and low 70s in February...hoping not to have winter in March!
To get back to the questions on yogurt... I enjoy frozen yogurt and I really don't care what the weather is,however; I prefer yogurt more when the weather is colder than warmer. I prefer peach yogurt topped with a few candies (butterscotch mostly) and walnuts.
2.  What food do you know you shouldn't eat but can't help yourself?
Image result for reese's peanut butter cup
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
I have been buying these smaller ones thinking to myself they are smaller but eating about 10 a day!!  Who am I kidding right?
3.  If your life was a meal, what kind of meal would it be?

A chef tossed salad...A little bit of everything and all tossed together.

4.  Do you like spicy food?  Why or why not?  What is the spiciest food you have ever eaten?

I enjoy eating spicy foods.  I tell myself that spicy food is healthy...I have no idea if this is true or not. Spicy chili with Jalapeno.
5.  (Most of you know I have been sick with a cold.) What food do you eat or crave when you have a bad cold?

I, also, had a nasty cold respiratory stuff going around last week.  I eat a lot of Chicken Noodle Soup, drink plenty of water, and take a few sips of moonshine.  This knocked it out of me in a couple of days.
Hoping you are feeling better!
6.  Please tell us something random about your week (and maybe it will involve food).
My random is sad.  On Monday, a young man from my town, was killed in the line of duty.  He was a State Policeman and a member of the SWAT Team shot  a few hours away from his home town.  This young man was only 28 years old.  His mom has been a friend of mine for many years.  My hear aches for her and I can't even imagine what she is going through. I would appreciate it if you would whisper a prayer for this precious family.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...