1. "The cure for anything is salt water-tears, sweat, or the sea." (Isak Dinesan) Would you agree? Of the three, which has 'cured' you most recently?
I don't think it is the cure for anything, but it certainly does help.
Tears.....I feel better after a good cry. However; here lately, I have been crying a lot.
2. What's something you can't eat without salt? Do you normally salt your food a lot, a little, or not at all?
I can eat ANYTHING WITHOUT salt!! I use salt very sparingly.
3. Sands of time, bury your head in the sand, built on sand, or draw a line in the sand...which sandy phrase could best be applied to something in your life right now?
Draw a line in the sand.....don't cross over the line, Mister!
4. A favorite book, movie, or song with an island setting or theme?
Favorite movies: 'Eat, Pray, Love' and an oldie 'Blue Lagoon'
Favorite songs 'Kokomo' and 'Key Largo'
5. Yesterday-did you run your day or did it run you? How so?
I ran my day. I was in complete control of my day....maybe being retired helped.ha I taught 5th grade, went to Zumba, watched television to calm down after Zumba, took a shower, ate healthy (cereal, popcorn, chips, and yogurt....because I went to Zumba for two hours!), read, and then went to bed.
I ran my day. I was in complete control of my day....maybe being retired helped.ha I taught 5th grade, went to Zumba, watched television to calm down after Zumba, took a shower, ate healthy (cereal, popcorn, chips, and yogurt....because I went to Zumba for two hours!), read, and then went to bed.
6. You're on an island holiday. Will I most likely find you parked in a beach chair, shopping in town, on the back of a jet ski, or snorkeling off the back of a catamaran?
Parked in a beach chair....with a cool drink and a good book
7. What do you think we humans most take for granted?
Life....we take life for granted.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Sit back and think about your toes in the sand while listening....
Sit back and think about your toes in the sand while listening....