Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday hodgepodge

1. Something on your October calendar that makes you smile?

The changing of the leaves always make me smile.  I love looking at God's paintbrush at work.
Visiting a pumpkin patch and taking a hayride also makes me smile.  I am planning our little pumpkin patch trip in a couple of weeks.

2. Food for the soul or music for the soul...which camp are you in? Tell us why?

I am a little both right now.
Food for the soul-it really made me feel all warm inside listening to the NFL player on Monday night  (Kansas Chief) talking about his learning disability in school and how he participated in the Special Olympics.  Since I teach special education this made me feel so good inside!
Music for the soul-I listen to different types of music depending on the time of day it is but most importantly depending on my mood.  I think the type of music one listens to depends on that person's mood.  Music does generate emotions.  Music does soothe our soul.

3. What are two or three things you've learned recently as the result of an online search?

Haven't been doing any online searches recently.

4. Share your favorite game day recipe. You can describe it, post the how-to, or add a link to the actual recipe. 

Order Out!  or I fix a pot of homemade chili

5. What are your five essential steps for creating the perfect morning routine?

1.  Lay clothes out the night before along with accessories.
2.  Lunch is packed and on top shelf in the refrigerator.
3.  Do not hit snooze button--I make myself have to get up out of the bed to turn the alarm clock off!
4.  Spend time reading my devotions for that day-so I get up a few minutes earlier than normal.
 5. Listening to contemporary Christian music as I get ready always puts me in a better mood for the day.

6. What small thing have you taken note of today?

People smiling...Also I cleaned out our coffee pot in the teachers' workroom!  It was a dreary, raining day yesterday, and a few of us need a little perky up.

7. Sum up your September in seven words or less.

Why did you go by so quickly?  There for awhile, my calendar was empty, and I thought September was going to  be a lazy, nothing much to do month. Wrong! but I enjoyed every minute of it.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Grandson spent the night with the happy Newlyweds last Friday.  This was a planned overnight stay.  Daughter calls around 7 that evening saying she has married a 6year old.  Ha! boys will be boys.  Then that Saturday she tells me she put Nate (grandson) in the guest room (which he had said that is where he was going to sleep-a regular full bed).  The guest room was too dark for him so he went to get in their bed.  After a few minutes, he told Kenneth (son-in-law) that he might be more comfortable in the guest room-not that he had to get out of bed but that he might be more comfortable in the guest room.  Now Kenneth is well over 6ft tall and I am sure he hung over the bed!  Loved this story.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind....

Apple Festival Weekend in Chilhowie!!

Prior to the Apple Festival, which I learned today is one of the longest-running festivals in Virginia, many people begin tidying up and decorating for fall.  I must admit the weather has been more like summer temps in the 80s and nights warm-- so getting in the fall spirit was difficult.  But I managed...
Glad mums looked okay...

Like I mentioned earlier, the weather has been so much like summer leading up to the Apple Festival which is fine with the folks around here.
Hub and I walked last Thursday evening-around 10 that evening to take a peek at the many vendors/crafts that were being set up.  It was most definitely like a summer evening.

Friday morning-the clouds opened up and the rain came...I know we needed the rain but gosh not this weekend. The football game was not cancelled which was a shocker to us all.  But somehow the rain did stop long enough to play the football game.  Hub and I did not attend the game; we chose to spend the evening cooking and listening to the game on the radio.  Hub grilled out country ham (about 100+ pieces) while I made salads and apple dumplings. I think it was around 11 that evening that we finally took a break and ate something. Again, the air was warm with just a fine drizzle.  

Saturday was the day of the parade.  Daughter had decided to put a float in the parade.  Well it wasn't exactly a float-I called it a wagon.  We put a huge pill bottle on the wagon and had apples inside the pill about 12 bushels of apples on the wagon...grandson and his friend were to ride on the wagon. Daughter was going to ride on the wagon while her pharmacy techs and I hand out apples along the parade route.  Daughter #2 and her husband were going to drive the truck, which was pulling the wagon.

Saturday morning all entries in the parade had to be lined up by 8am. The sky was cloudy..

and a fine mist in the air. And I saw a tree beginning to change...

  Daughter graciously opened up her home to all who wanted to stop by for a country ham biscuit (her dad and I had prepared).
Hub was the first one in line...chopping at the bit-I might say.

Some of the kids played....

While grown-ups explained muscle aches to #2 daughter.

After eating, we all (those with daughter's wagon) took their places in line.
This was son-n-law's expression during the morning....

This was his first Apple Festival and I do not think he knew what to make of it all.

Here are some pictures of daughter's wagon...

I really liked the banner she had made to place on the back..
The top two pics are her pharmacy tech's child and grandchild; bottom two pics are her step brother's children. Slogan--"We're more than a pharmacy; we're a family."  Great idea..

There were 26 bands in the parade; a band competition is also held after the parade.

  I was hoping to be behind a band...I like music! Plus marching and walking were in my mind about the same thing..handing out apples was going to be a piece of cake.  Wrong....I thought I was in a marathon!!  I got both daughters to help... no more sitting on the wagon or inside the truck!!  Hub was recruited along with grandson and his friend!! A two mile parade route was a two mile marathon...running back and forth to grab bags loaded with apples...I loved every minute of it especially seeing the smiles on people's faces.  I heard so many comments--"Aw apples never before given out" or "Yeah, apples and not candy."  I gave daughter a pat on the back and told her she did good!!

There were other floats...

Oscar Mayer


Difficult trying to take pictures..while participating in the parade....ugh!

It took us a minute to catch our breath after the parade before walking to the arts/crafts.  Many vendors---apple butter, homemade ice cream, kettle corn, fried Oreo, curly fries....and crafts from homemade jewelry to homemade soap.  I bought a few candles and I could not pass up the kettle corn or the fried Oreo-I told myself I would go back to eating healthy on Monday.ha

The bands performing could be heard on our deck.  Hub and I did walk over to watch a few bands perform before the judges took a break and then we decided to just listen to them from our deck.  The band competition lasted till around 9pm.  The fireworks started shortly afterwards....

Sunday we headed back to the arts/crafts after church. Churches participate in gospel music while people walk around the crafts.  Except this year, the gospel music was held inside the school's auditorium due to threatening weather.

While walking home from the crafts, I expressed to hub how I enjoyed the festival this year.  I can't really explain it...but it felt so good getting the wagon ready, handing out apples, and all..I really didn't want it to end. Strange...I know...but all good things must come to and end, right?

Hoping my week will be just as full-filling as my weekend was.

Have a Blessed Week and Enjoy Life!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind....

Hey ya'll fall arrives in three days!!
Image result for fall

I am ready to pull out my boots, leggings, sweaters, and sweatshirts.  How about ya'll?  I say fall is my favorite season, but hub quickly says I thought winter, spring, summer was your favorite season.  Then I respond with-well it just depends on when you ask me.  Right now it is fall.  The air is getting a little cooler-a light weight jacket for the morning commute is needed.  One does not have to put on gloves, a hat/scarf and a heavy coat and trudge out in the snow.  Of course, the snow is beautiful especially when one does not have to commute in it.  I love watching the snow fall and seeing the fresh snow-how it sparkles.

I love smelling the air in the fall.  One can smell someone firing up his/her stove.  As hub, grandson, and I were walking back from the football game Friday evening, I could smell someone's wood stove.  It smelled so good.  I told hub and grandson to stop and just take a few deep smells-smell that? I asked. Replied yeah that is smoke!  Not to me it is fall!  Hub then reminded me that pretty soon I would not be able to take my walks due to the seasons changing and it would be too cold to take a walk.  

This coming weekend is our community's Apple Festival.  Chilhowie was past tense :(  known for the apple orchards.  I can remember when I was in high school always attending the Apple Festival.  Now there are very few and I mean only one to be exact apple orchard left in our community.  Many, many homes are now in the apple orchards.  Anyway, our little community still has an Apple Festival.  The town is all decorated with hay, pumpkins, flags, and of course apples!  The weekend before there are several beauty pageants and the queen isn't crowned until next Saturday-Shew a long time to wait.  There is also a street dance, featuring a local band, and music from my hay day!  Hub and I had both grandkids there last night.  I love my 'ole' music.  On Thursday (24th) many vendors will come to our little community.  They will be all set up and ready by Friday.  I am hoping for many crafts to look at. Saturday (26) there is a parade beginning at 10.  This year, our pharmacy is putting a float in the parade.  Right now it is under construction in our garage...and will be finished by Thursday night.  After the parade, the crowning of the queen, and then a band competition (usually around 20+ bands) will perform on our football field. Many people will attend the band competition and a few band kids will take a quick walk through our crafts.   The festival will end on Sunday, with the closing of gospel music.  

Hub and I have started planning what and when we need to get things going.  Hub fixes fried ham on the grill, while I bake rolls and serve to all who stop by before the parade on Saturday.  Later that evening we start a fire in the fireplace outside and roast hotdogs (other fixins too) and S'mores!  I hope the weather cooperates this weekend.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  

This past weekend I met up with my college friends and sorority sisters for breakfast.  We chatted, laughed and ate.  Even though we do not get to see each other as often as we like, when we do get together it is like we have never been apart.  I cherish these little get togethers more and more.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind...

What happened to the temps??
Just last week, heck a few days ago, I was burning up in shorts and flip flops and now it is a bit chilly!  I think it is supposed to get in the 40s tonight-ugh not quite ready for this.  I need to ease into this cool slowly not fast like this.

Friday evening was spent attending a football game.  The sun was still glaring me in the eyes as I sat in the stands with the sweat dripping from my forehead.  Hub and I walked to the game because it was such a nice evening. After the game was over, we still sat for a couple of hours outside.  

Saturday evening was spent glued to the television set watching UT play. Such a bummer!

After attending church Sunday, we drove to see daughter.  Hub and I tried to walk a little, but the air was a little chilly for me and windy.
Little man went with us and he and Kenneth played X-box basketball.

Pretty soon this hillside will be so beautiful as God begins to paint the seasons.

 Daughter and her husband have this gigantic willow tree in their front yard.

A nice shade for when it gets hot.  Neither one of them care for this tree but I kinda like it. Their neighbor's child had tried swinging-but too windy and chilly for the little one. We weren't able to visit long...both daughter and her husband leave at 6 every morning to get where they need to go.  Little man did not want to leave and saying good-bye caused some tears to flow.  He still can't grasp the whole marriage thing..wondering why daughter just can't come home with us.  I just let him talk and cry a little.

Another work and school week and again I find my calendar with not much to do lists taped to it. :)  I think I am kinda getting use to it--relaxing a little I mean.

Have a great week.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday hodgepodge

1. Last thing you did on the spur of the moment?

The only thing I can think of is..grilling out but then I had to run to the store for the food items.  I am not a spur of the moment kind of gal.  I like to know what is going to happen-when it is going to happen-this way I can have a schedule in my mind.  Hub on the other hand is a spur of the moment kind of guy, and yes we definitely clash on this.

2. How well informed do you feel about the current Syrian refugee crisis?

Not very informed at all especially more than half of the refugees are children.  I would like to know more about this situation.

3. What have you changed your mind about? first I was so excited,,,then thinking to myself did I make a mistake because what on earth will I do with my I am thinking I made the right decision to retire.

4. A medium sized non-poisonous snake found it's way into the pool trap this weekend. If you'd been sitting poolside would you have fished it out? Gone running? Called for help? Pretended not to know? Continued swimming?

Gone running!!!

5. September 10th is National TV Dinner Day...what's your idea of a great TV dinner? (Or at least a pretty good one!)

TV dinner?  Order out and watch in front of the television!

6. Samuel Johnson is quoted as saying, "Courage is reckoned the greatest of all virtues; because, unless a man has that virtue, he has no security for preserving any other." Would you agree? Where have you seen that played out recently? What's the second greatest virtue?

I don't totally agree that courage is the greatest virtue.  Courage is a great virtue and not many people today have the courage to stand against what one believes is wrong.  It is easier to just turn the other cheek and not say anything or not 'ruffle anyone's feathers'.  To me being kind and serving others are great virtues.

7. What are three words you have trouble remembering how to spell?

Oh my!!  I don't have a clue.  I guess with having spell check at your fingers spelling mistakes are becoming a thing of the past.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

School was dismissed early yesterday due to the temperature in some classrooms.  I must admit, I am ready for some cooler temps when one can wear a hoodie and sit by a fire outside.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Weekend Rewind....

Image result for labor day

Weekend Rewind...

September is looking so lazy here.

Looking at my calendar, it is mostly blank.  A lot has changed in the last few months, and I feel like I have nothing to do.  

After months of planning a wedding-now what?  It is very quiet around the house.

This weekend I kept Grandson on Friday so his dad could go to the ballgame.  He was really tired on Friday so he went to bed early.  I followed shortly, for nothing better to do.  

Saturday was spent cleaning a little and that was about it.

Sunday was spent keeping Grandson so his dad could go and play golf.  We played with water guns and then watched some television.

A lazy start to September.

Have a Great Labor Day!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's on your September calendar? Anything fun?

Getting book club going again from our summer break is always exciting, even if I do not like the book (and sometimes I do feel like hitting my head with the book) just seeing ole friends is a big plus.
Our community also holds an Apple Festival weekend the last weekend in September-with a parade, band competition, art/crafts festival ground.  Daughter has plans to put a float in the parade!

2. You might be described as a natural born _____________________?

Worrier-I really try not to worry but....I do.

3. September is National Courtesy Month...what one act of courtesy would you most like to see more of in your home, town, or the world at large?

The Golden Rule:"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

4. Eager beaver, chicken out, clam up, or let the cat out of the bag...of the phrases listed, which one have you related to most recently?

Clam up

5. What's your movie theatre snack protocol? Do you chow down on snacks during the previews or wait until the movie begins? Do you buy snacks or refuse to pay those kind of prices? What's the last movie you saw in a theatre? How many thumbs up would you give it?

I usually eat a light snack before going to the theatre.  Then afterwards eat a small lunch/dinner. Snacks too expensive! The last movie I saw was in July-a bunch of teachers got together and went.  

6. Henry Ford is quoted as saying, "Nobody can think straight who does not work. Idleness warps the mind." Agree or disagree? Why?

I believe if you don't exercise your mind, then you will eventually lose it!!  I enjoy reading and I tell hub he would enjoy it, but he will not take my advice.

7. What's the last job you completed or task you performed where you had to 'work like a dog' until it was finished?

The end of the year reports at school and packing away your room.  I always seem to work like a dog during this time.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Honeymooners returned relaxed and happy  :)

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...