Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. It's officially fall y'all. In the northern hemisphere anyway. Any signs of it where you are? What's your favorite thing about this time of year? 

There have been some signs of fall; the daylight is getting shorter and the nights are getting a little cooler.

2. Have you visited any 'falls' in person? Tell us about one of your favorites? Of the following top ten famous falls (according to this site ) which would you most like to see in person-

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe/Zambia), Igazu Falls (Argentina/Brazil), Niagara Falls (US/Canada), Angel Falls (Venezuela), Yosemite Falls (California), Dettifoss (Iceland) Kaieteur Falls (Guyana), Plitvice Waterfalls (Croatia), Gullfoss-Golden Falls (Iceland), or Sutherland Falls (New Zealand)

I would stay in the United States and visit Yosemite Falls in California.

3. What's something you'll miss about summer? 

Sitting outside.  I am an outside person and I dread staying inside a lot.

4. A favorite fall recipe?

It would have to be chili.  I really don't have a recipe for this just add stuff that I like to make chili.

5. Something you enjoy but lately have allowed it to 'fall by the wayside'? 

Reading.  I have been so busy lately, I haven't had time to do much reading.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This weekend was the Apple Festival.  I worked Thursday evening hanging up art work, collecting can food, crafts, and bake goods.  Friday morning back at it to open up for the judges. Saturday was the big parade and son-in-law were hooking up the Queens' float bby 6:30am. Sunday, there was Cowboy Church at 10am and then the vendors and crafters opened up.  The weather couldn't have been better.  Temps were in the low 70s which was perfect. 

The boys were awarded ribbons (1st and 2nd place) for their pumpkins that I helped them grow.
A busy weekend, but I enjoyed it so much!!
Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. If your life had a theme song for this past year what would it be?

"Livin on a Prayer" 

2. Chocolate cake, chocolate milkshake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate truffle, chocolate mousse, chocolate candy bar or a fudgy chocolate brownie...of the chocolate treats listed, which one is your favorite? Which one have you tasted most recently? Or maybe you don't like chocolate???

A chocolate candy bar is my favorite treat.  Most recently ate a chocolate candy bar, think it was just an ole plain Hershey's .  I know I am weird/strange , but I think the others taste too chocolate. 

3. What has surprised you recently? 

That I am surviving the 'extra' people living in my house.

4. September 19th is National Voter Registration Day in the US. Are you registered to vote in whatever state or country you happen to live in right now? If not, why not? Not counting a political race, what's something you've had to vote on recently? 

I am a registered voter. This was something my father highly encouraged me to do.  I can still hear his words, "Little Girl (no matter my age, I was still his 'little girl'), if you don't vote, don't complain."  

I recently voted in our school's SCA elections.

5. Do you like to hike? If so, when's the last time you went hiking and where'd ya go? If you're not a hiker are you a walker? Is walking (for exercise, etc.) part of your daily/weekly routine? 

I am not a hiker, but a walker.  I enjoy walking outside, and I really try to get some walking in everyday.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Praying the weather is nice for the Apple Festival this weekend.  It usually is so hot you can't stand to walk around and enjoy it or it rains.

My late hub was the parade marshall in 2018.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

1. Did you watch any coverage of the 9/11 services on Monday? How do you feel on this day some 22 years after the events occurred? Share more if you want to share more. 

I was unable to watch any of the 9/11 services.  Even after 22 years, I know exactly where I was on this day and what I was doing.  After 22 years, I still feel sad and heartbroken that this happened to our country.  This is a day that should never be forgotten.  We should always be grateful for the men and women who serve our country and the men and women who are members of the rescue teams, medical teams, police officers, etc.

2. September 13th is National Peanut you like peanuts? Your favorite dish that contains peanuts? 

Love peanuts.  I do not fix a dish containing peanuts.  My cousin, who comes over for special occasions or just pops in to watch football, is EXTREMELY allergic to peanuts.  When eating peanuts, I am by't  myself late at night, then I make sure I wipe all counters off...spic and span!  

3. Something you're currently 'nuts' about? 

Grandchildren! and UT Football!

4. Your favorite Peanuts character? There are several quizzes online if you're curious...I took two and got the same character for both so I'm sure it's accurate lol. (Click here for the link)

My quiz says...Charlie Brown.  Pretty accurate for me; I do cheer on my friends and care about them deeply.  

5. Tell us about a job you worked 'for peanuts'

My first current job, but I love teaching.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Next week is Apple Festival time so I have been busy this week preparing for all the festivities.  I think (?) this is the 63rd Annual Event. Praying for nice weather.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. It's National Read A Book Day...whatcha' reading? What's a book you want to read? 

The book I am reading is Sharp Objects.  A book I would like to read is House of Cotton.

2. Which is better...having high expectations or low expectations? Explain why. 

 In my opinion, having high expectations is better.  Having expectations helps me to push myself and this gives me motivation to complete a task or an assignment.  I also think having high expectations boosts self-confidence.

3. Serenity is________________________. lacking in my household right now. (refer to random thought)

4. What's  the most interesting thing in your purse or pocket right now? 

I carry a flashlight in my purse.  I am blaming this on aging, but I have a hard time seeing in the dark now.  I miss a step and fall or can't find the sidewalk so I carry a flashlight.

5. What helps you calm down? 

If the weather is nice, I like to sit outside and do absolutely nothing.  Or I will listen to contemporary music to help calm me down.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

My daughter and hub sold their house quicker than they they have all moved in with me.  I went from being by myself for five years to having two extra adults, three children, and two dogs!  Talk about a sure is. They are building a house.  The land is purchased and the blueprints have been sent to the contractor. I am thankful the weather is still nice because I need to find my peace by going outside.

I have been enjoying the company of a male friend.  Daughter is treating me like a teenager.  When the fellow comes over, daughter sits with us.  It is kinda funny.  She seems to like this fellow and is happy for me, but she wants to know where we are going.  It is like she is the mother and I am the child.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...