Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond
1. What's something bizarre you've seen or heard recently? 

The news about Carly Russell, who was missing, but what happened seems unreal.  Was there a toddler in the road, was she kidnapped, how did she showed back up...This to me is bizarre.

2. July 18th is National Sour Candy Day. Who knew? Do you like sour candies or other foods with 'sour' flavors? Kimchi, rhubarb, gooseberries, tamarind, dill pickles, sour cherries, sauerkraut, cranberries, and  grapefruit...of the sour foods listed which is your favorite? 

I don't like sour candy.  I do like grapefruit and sauerkraut.

3. Share a favorite memory of an aunt or uncle. 

I would go to Baltimore in the summer (from 4th grade till 7th grade) and stay with my grandmother and aunt.  My aunt was so special to me.  My aunt would take me shopping and sometimes I was able to go to work with her (she worked as a secretary at the VA Hospital). Even when my aunt got married (I was her flower girl in her wedding), I was still special to her.  We just shared a special bond.  I  remember she curled her hair every night with those bristle curlers and she always wore dresses and panty hose to work.  She always had time to listen to me.  Even as I got older, married, and had children, we talked on the phone for hours.  Sadly, she passed away six years ago and I miss her terribly.

4. How would you describe your ability to manage stress? 

I manage stress pretty good as long as there is food.  I am a stress eater so having food helps me manage stress tremendously.

5. What do you think about when you let your mind wander? 

How fast time goes by.  Sometimes I find it hard to wrap by brain around this.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

My veggies are really starting to come in.  All at once, I might add.  I have given much away and that is okay because no way can I eat it all.  I am being named, "The Veggie Lady!"

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Is your life simple? Elaborate. 

I feel like my life is pretty simple, right now. (school starts in about three weeks).  I get up when I want to, eat what I want, and go places that I want to go.  There isn't a dead line that needs meeting or a certain place that I need to go to.  Pretty simple, but yet, sometimes lonely and boring.

2. What simple pleasure are you are currently enjoying?  

I am enjoying harvesting my garden!  It is a lot of work, but therapeutic for me.  My cucumbers are running over, squash is plenty, and my beans are ready for picking!  

I also have been taking the grandsons to the library on Thursdays.  They have been enjoying the programs and checking out their books (I limit them to one book each, if not then I have loads and loads of books!

3. Travel by plane or go on a cruise? walk or ride a bike? swim or ski? ocean or mountains? 

Yesterday, daughter and I were talking about taking a cruise.  I have never been on a cruise. so this is something I would like to do.  Definitely walk...riding a bike would be too much work!  I love to ski especially cross country skiing.  In the summer the ocean, but in the fall the mountains with the gorgeous color.

4. What's the last thing you bought online that you really loved? 

18 month Reminder Binder.  I love it.  It contains the month plus daily dates AND it has stickers...birthday, anniversary, forget me not, etc.  I love putting stickers on my daily dates.

5. What’s your 'back in my day we__________' story? 

'Back in my day we completed our chores (without much complaining or else), played outside till it was dark, and helped our neighbors.  

Like I have mentioned, I planted a garden this year.  There is so much...way too much for me.  I have an elderly neighbor and yesterday I took her some onions, squash, cucumbers, and potatoes.  You would have thought I had given her the moon!  She was so appreciative. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I celebrated a birthday a couple of weeks ago.  I was almost a firecracker baby!

I am not much of a cake person.  Em said the boys said "No cake for Mamaw."  So I had a cookie cake.

The country boil was delicious!

Celebrating my birthday with these little men...made me so happy.

Daughter lives on the lake and it is so gratifying!

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...