Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Volume 478. Sounds like a lot. Where were you in 1978? If you weren't born where were you in 2008? 

I was in my 2nd year of college at East Tennessee State University...such fun times!

2. Raise your hand if you remember records playing at a speed of 78 rpm? What's a topic that when it comes up you 'sound like a broken record'? 

Teaching    So much is added to our plate nowadays and unless you are involved in education, it is hard to understand.  Just today, I read an email that said I was selected (by my principal and supervisor...Yeah, right??) to be on this committee which this committee is required to take an 18 hour course...  I told my colleague that I believe in democracy, and I had no idea what committee this was and I didn't want to be SELECTED!!

3. What's the last thing you recorded in some way? 

My grandsons playing and singing.

4. Thursday is the first day of fall (in the northern hemisphere). How do you feel about the changing seasons? Something you're looking forward to this fall? 

Fall is beautiful, but I know what comes next and this makes me sad...the dark evenings (before 5pm), the colder weather, and the snow.  

I am looking forward to seeing the beautiful trees changing their colors and I love college football.

5. In what way (or ways) are you like the apple that didn't 'fall far from the tree'? 

I have my own opinion but if you put up a great persuasive argument, I might change my mind.  My father not so much; he never changed his opinion no matter what.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

SHEW!!  I have been really busy this weekend.  This weekend is our community Apple Festival and I am the chairperson for ALL the inside exhibits: arts/crafts, (from Pre K -12th grade),  sewing, photography, agriculture, baked goods, canned goods. I have 18 judges coming on Friday at 9:00am to judge and then on Sunday afternoon the ribbons are given out.  This has been a huge undertaking.

I have also been glued to the TV watching the funeral of Queen Elizabeth.

Have a great rest of the week.  Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. What's something you've learned from a younger person? 

From my grandsons I have learned to laugh at my mistakes and to take the time to appreciate the 'small stuff'

From my students at school, I have learned a lot about technology!!

2. Are you a perfectionist? Elaborate? 

Yes, I try to be.  I want 'stuff' in order (towels must be folded a certain way, everything has a place and it must go there) and if having a gathering at my house, I want things PERFECT!  Which of course rarely happens because life isn't perfect.  As I am getting older, I am finding out who cares about the towels being folded a certain way; they are at least put away.

3. What makes you cringe? 

People who show no  respect, and people who think the world revolves around them.

4. September is National Honey you have bees and make your own? Know someone who has bees and they share? Your favorite thing made with honey?

I do not have any bees. I used to know a fellow who had bees and made his own honey, but I don't keep in touch with him anymore.  Now, I purchase honey that is locally grown only 5 miles from where I live. I don't make anything with honey, but I love honey on a warm biscuit.

5. Where is your happy place? 

The beach is my happy place but since I do not live at the beach my second happy place is sitting on my porch reading (which with the cooler evenings,this is fading away).

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I have a funny story....Last week while I was keeping the grandsons, Blake (who is 4) came and told me I needed to see what his brothers (twins are 2) were doing and that I wasn't going to be happy.

The twins were in the sunroom and they had taken plants out of my pots and was throwing dirt in the floor and all over themselves.  No, I wasn't happy.  I scolded them and told the twins I was going to spank their behinds.  I began to vacuum up the dirt and try to savage my plants the best I could.  I yelled for the twins to come here which they replied "We are hiding."  I walked in the kitchen and they were standing against the wall with their hands over their face.  I told them I could see them and they replied, "You can't see us; we have our eyes closed."  Least to say after this I started they got away with this incident this time!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Tell us a little bit about the best birthday you've ever had. 

Now that I am older, I think every trip around the sun is the best birthday ever!

2.  In what way(s) have you changed in the last five years? 

I have drastically changed.  I am more independent, not afraid to do things solo, learned to do 'man' stuff that I never thought about before, and learning to live by myself.  Life is certainly different and one thing I am still learning is it is okay to be lonely and not throw a pity party.

3. What's your favorite thing about the street on which you live? 

A helpful neighbor who lives up the street from me.

4. The Hodgepodge lands on National Beer Day...are you a beer drinker? What's a recipe you make that lists beer as one of the ingredients? If not beer, how about yeast?

I am a beer drinker and I like to eat candy (any kind) while sipping on a beer.  I don't have a recipe that uses beer as an ingredient but I remember when hub use to grill out he most of the time used beer on something.

5. As I grow older I would like to be a woman (or man, if there are any men in the HP today) who _______________________

kept the faith no matter what life threw at her.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Getting excited about watching college football.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...