Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday Stealing....


I am joining Bev Sykes of the blog, "Funny the World" 

Guest or Host

I have been a guest and a host .  I was a guest a few weeks ago in a friend's house and I felt like it was my home.  So no problem being a guest.

Host--sometimes I get so OCD when it comes to my house spotless, does everything match, do I have enough food, did I invite all, It can be overwhelming. 

I really don't know which one I would prefer!! Ha

When I feel fancy, I wear

I try something completely new

I very, very, rarely try something completely new.  Always afraid I will mess up and knowing me, I would!


They make me cry...until the reception.

Ever had something customized

Can't say that I have.  BUT I have received customized cups, calendars

Do you cook spontaneously or mean plan?

Since it is only me, I cook spontaneously, However, this last month, my grandson is playing basketball, so I have kinda planned out my meals...mainly making sure I have enough snacks on hand when I get home like cookies, potato chips and of course popcorn.

Books I have reread

None completely.  There are some books, I occasionally pick up and skim through every now and then.

I am really good at

 Too many things to list!! ahem   My friends often call on me to come and help them clean!

Windows Open or a Fan On while sleeping


Easiest Recipe

and it is so tasty!!!!

Conversing with strangers

I am somewhat comfortable starting a conversation with strangers; it just depends on where I am at the time.

Quiet or ambient noise when relaxing

Ambient noise when relaxing I like.  If it is too quiet, like hearing a pin drop, then that is not for me.

Most adventurous or exciting friend

It would have to be a ole college friend.  She is still adventurous...wanting to move clear across the country from Georgia to Colorado, raises ducks, etc.  It would definitely be my college friend/roommate.

When I can't decide what to eat, I eat


Funny pet stories

I don't have any pets (at the moment :)  )

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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1.  Mayday! Mayday! ...when was the last time (or a recent time) you literally or figuratively needed to call for help? Elaborate.  Two we...