Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge


From this Side of the Pond

1. Is Halloween a big deal in your neighborhood? Was it something you celebrated as a child? With your own children? Do you like candy corn? 

Halloween use to be a big deal in my neighborhood.  It was so fun seeing all the little ones dressed up and trying to scare me.  As a child, my neighborhood was close, houses on top of houses so it was a big deal.  And we got a lot of candy!!!   My daughters experienced a different type of Halloween because we have moved to the country, but they still have fun running from house to house.

Most churches in my town do a Trunk or Treat and that has cut down on the kids going from house to house.  Last year, with COVID, we still had hundreds and hundreds of kids coming through but all was inside a vehicle.  

Not a fan of candy corn at all!!!!!

2. Are you a scaredy cat? About what? 

Sometimes....when it is completely dark and I hear a noise then I get a little scared.  Also, when coming home and it is dark (I dread the time change), I get scared.  I have my pepper spray out!!!

3. Last time you were somewhere that should have been busy but felt like a 'ghost town'? 

I can't remember...

4. Do you like chili and if so how do you like it? Beans or no beans? Meat or no meat? Beef or chicken? Spice or no spice? Favorite toppings? 

I love chili with beans or without beans.  Definitely need beef in my chili (even though I can eat white chili).  Spicy chili with onions, cheese, and green onions.

5. Would you describe yourself as a night owl? What time of night qualifies? What are you doing while everyone else is asleep? Do you then 'sleep in'? Define 'sleeping in'. 

I use to be a night owl awake till 3 in the morning.  Most of the time I would eat and try to watch shows.  I have never slept in...I am up before 7 every morning.  Now, I have been going to bed by 11.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This week has been BUSY!!! and it is only Wednesday!  I have not stopped.  I enjoy staying busy but I am kinda tired.

Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. Do you (or did you used to) watch talk shows? Which are or were your favorite? 

 The Tonight Show (is that a talk show?). I liked Jay Leno and one episode I remember (about broke my heart) was when he was talking about his dad that he had just lost.  I remember him actually crying.

2. Would you describe yourself as resilient? If so what do you think makes you that way? If you answered no explain why? 

Somewhat resilient.  There are some things you just can't bounce back from, but life goes on.

Calling my friends when having a bad day really helps me.

3. What parts of life have surprised you the most? Explain. 

What has surprised me the most is when life throws you a double header curveball that you NEVER EVER thought about.

4. Why do you live where you live? 

I live where I do now because this is hub grew up.

5. A memory from this week that made you smile? 

These three precious boys were at our high school football game last night.  The twins first football game and surprisingly they sat still (well for the most part and probably because of food).

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I was so hungry a few nights ago.  I had been rushing around trying to get things done...housework, laundry, yardwork,etc. that I had forgotten to eat lunch.  So I was pretty hungry.  

So I put this in the microwave

didn't read the directions and this was a first for me.  

I had to throw it away

I didn't add the water!!!  I was so mad at myself but so hungry!!  Potato chips to the rescue!

Have a great rest of the week!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. What obligation do you believe you have to your country? 

Respect---respect the flag, celebrate holidays, and use social media appropriately AND obey the laws.

2. October 12 is National Farmers Day? Do you know any farmers? What do they farm/grow/raise? Are there any farm stands where you live? Do you shop there? 

My dad was a farmer.  We owned a farm as I was growing up and even in my college years BUT we never lived on this farm.  We grew tobacco (this was hard work) hay (which was also hard and sweating hard work), and my dad had beef cattle.  

Dad would never use roll hay bales....had to be square.

There are a couple of Farmer Markets close by.  There is one in Abingdon, Va. and it is fantastic.  They are open on Saturday mornings till around 11 and you must get there early. I have often shopped there.

3. What's a skill you think everyone should have? Tell us why? 

Communication skills--allows others to understand you.  Poor communication skills lead to a lot of misunderstanding and frustration.

Another skill I think everyone should have is empathy.  Empathy is important in almost every aspect of daily life.

Communication and empathy skills should me taught at home and in school.

4. Favorite thing you've purchased this year? 

My car.  In May, I purchased a 2021 a Honda.

5. What's your favorite place to visit in the fall? 

Great Smokey Mountains.  I miss those trips hub and I would take to the Smokey Mountains.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

College friends (one I just found who lives in Roanoke) and other friends are getting together to celebrate two special friends who will be having Birthdays this Saturday.  I am looking forward to seeing all and having a great time.

Have a great day and Enjoy Life!

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Thanks Joyce. 

1. Do you think intuition is as valuable as rational thinking? Explain why or why not. 

I think intuition is just as valuable as rational thinking.  There are many factors which determine my decision.  I do rationalize-follow steps BUT sometimes my thinking comes from my 'gut'.  My 'gut' just knows.  Truly having both intuition and rational thinking is a good thing.

2. In the grand scheme of things____________________________. 

It is the NON-MATERIAL things that are important.  Moments of enjoying  the small things in life is what really matters.  In the grand scheme of things I take it one day at a time...and Release the toxin.

3. Last place you went that felt like 'Grand Central Station'? Have you ever actually been to Grand Central Station (and by Grand Central Station I mean Grand Central Terminal)

This summer in Savannah, but I enjoyed the trip.  I have never been to Grand Central Station.

4. October 6 is National Noodle Day. What's your favorite dish made with noodles and have you made/eaten this dish lately? 

Scallion is so easy and I love scallions.  I haven't made this dish in a few years.

5. A time recently you had to really 'use your noodle'? Elaborate. 

A few weeks ago, I was mowing.  I have a riding mower (I haven't quite got the hang of it yet) but I use a push mower a lot.  I was mowing and all of a sudden I hear this strange noise and the mower stopped.  I tried starting the mower, but even though I was making every effort to start the dang thing, it wouldn't.  So I pushed it over to my building and kept thinking what on earth did I hit.  I know, for a fact, there wasn't any tree limbs laying around (I had picked them all up).  I used my noodle....With all my strength I turned the mower over.  There was a slinky on the blade!  My next door neighbor watches children and I knew this is where the slinky came from.  After removing the slinking, the mower started right up and I was back to mowing.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Last Sunday, my Sunday School Class had a get together at a friend's house.  I haven't been anywhere like this since my husband passed away.  I was just feeling like a third wheel.  I decided to go and rode with a couple.  Such a fun time and so glad I went and finally pulled the trigger to begin socializing again.

I took some yummy desserts...didn't bake them myself, but ordered them.

Vanilla Strawberry and Chocolate Salted Caramel...YUMMY!

It was raining so I left my purse in the car along with my phone, which was a mistake because the view was spectacular!

A friend sent me these pictures.

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, October 4, 2021

A recap of the Apple Festival


Hello All,

I have been pretty busy the past couple of weeks, no complaining on my part!  I like staying busy.

A couple of weeks ago, my community celebrated the Apple Festival.  This years theme was 'Flavors of Fall.' You could not have asked for better weather!!  Usually the weather is swelting hot (90s) or rainy and cool. BUT not this year, PERFECT 70s.  Even though the mornings of Friday and Saturday were a little chilly (40s), it warmed up nicely by 10:00!

Thursday, I registered the exhibits.  There were quite a few considering last year it was cancelled because of you know what. I was still registering exhibits at 7:30 that evening along with many other volunteers.

Many canned items.  There was even quail canned eggs.  I had to ask what those were...never heard nor have ever seen them.

Beautiful quilts

I can tell the students had read Johnny Appleseed!
And many crafts!  Students are so talented, if we just give them a chance!

I had the visitors on Friday evening.

We had to play with cars, trucks, and other things.  Blake, who is 3 (almost 4), loves playing with trucks and cars.  The twins, being only 18 months, well, nothing keeps their attention very long!  But that is okay with me.

Saturday morning was the parade.  Many floats and bands!  

The new owners of the pharmacy entered a float.  

In loving memory of my daughter and husband.  Tears streamed down my face.  Happy and sad tears can come at the same time.

All was ready to come back to my house and play in the yard.

And that is exactly what we did the rest of the afternoon!! Such great memories of this Festival.

Until next time...Enjoy Life!

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...