Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday HodgepodgeFrom this Side of the Pond

1. It's Thanksgiving week in the US of A so let's talk turkey. And by turkey I mean the elephant in the room because it's still 2020 and our blogs are a record of sorts of the times in which we live. 

Do you live in a state (or if you're outside the US, a country) that's instituted restrictions on the size of gatherings in your own home? What do we think about this? (keep it classy folks)
Yes, limited gatherings.  We have had a sharp rise in infections. so limited to inside or outside. Whether people abide by this or not, is not for me to say.  I have a friend, whose wedding plans have changed so much from 1000 people to 500 people to 250 people and now to less than 100 people.  My heart goes out to them.  I know they are going crazy!

2. Let's move in a cheerier direction. Will there be corn on your holiday dinner menu? How so? Cornbread-corn pudding-corn chips and dip-cornbread dressing/stuffing-corn chowder-or regular canned, frozen or fresh corn in a bowl...which of the 'corns’ listed is your favorite? 
I will be by myself so probably no corn at all.  The first time I can remember being by myself on Thanksgiving.
My favorite is cornbread stuffing.

3. What is there a cornucopia of in your home, job, or life currently? 
The first thing that came to my mind was my job.  At school, we have Secret Santa and I have been abundantly blessed.
U4. Have you ever quit something (such as a habit, a food, a time-sucker, a relationship) cold turkey? Is there something you need to quit cold turkey? 
Yes, I was a smoker back in the 70s and I quit cold turkey!  Was it hard, yes, but I did it!
I need to be more thankful and quit my pity party. 

5. Shall your  favorite verse, quote, saying, or song lyric relating to gratitude. 

"All your anxiety, all your care, 
Bring to the mercy seat leave it there
Never a burden He cannot bear
Never a friend like Jesus"

Whenever we are overwhelmed, we must remember THAT GOD IS NOT

6. Random thought.
Wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving.  Be safe...and Enjoy Life
Expecting strong winds this evening here in my neck of the woods.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge.


1. It's Mickey Mouse's birthday (November 18)...happy birthday Mickey! He reads here, right? Have you ever been to Disney, any of the parks at all? Are you a Disney superfan or something less than that? They're open right now so tell us, would you go if you had the time/money/a free trip?

Yes, Four times.  My late hub and I took both girls when they were young.  SHEW!! was in July (don't too smart on our part), it was hot and tiring.  Then a rain shower would pop up in the afternoon, drenching wet, girls not happy campers (neither were mom/dad) but not wanting to leave the park.  Sea World was their favorite park.
When daughters were older, they were both in the high school band.  The band went twice to the April, I might add, and I went as a chaperone.  Much nicer weather and teenagers not too bad of a group to watch!
Not a huge Disney fan.  If the trip was free, had the money/time, I wouldn't go right now.  But I might consider going in April.  I can tolerate the temp better (80s) and not very crowded.

2. Your favorite place to go when you want to be quiet as a church mouse? Would those who know you well describe you as more churchmouse or perhaps more like mighty mouse?

My sun room.  I love the feeling of the sun on my face.  Often, I sit in there and read.
Church mouse is more like me.

3. The day before Mickey's birthday happens to be National Homemade Bread Day. Did/will you celebrate? Do you bake your own bread? Last time you had hot out-of-the-oven homemade bread? What's your favorite kind of bread? 

Definitely will not bake homemade bread....NEVER HAVE.  But I love homemade bread.  My dear MIL was a baker. She made the best mouth watering sourdough bread.  We use to live very close (within walking distance), and I would always time it just right as she was taking the loaf out of the oven. Favorite would be sourdough and zucchini.

4. What's something you might say is 'the greatest thing since sliced bread'? 

Besides Facetime. it would be my microwave.  Living alone, I have used the microwave more in 2 years then ever before.

5. Let's keep the gratitude theme we started last week rolling on through November. Share with us five little things thankful God has given me another day.
Teachers....teachers are still making it work. I the only one that doesn't use a table correctly....mine has become a 'catch all'
Truth....people who tell the truth are my true friends.
Trucks....thankful that the truck drivers kept us going during the early stages of the pandemic and I felt sorry for them being on the road with many restaurants closed or only open for drive thru.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Not too much going on in my little world. School is still on hybrid and some colder weather moved in.  Been watching "The Voice" really liking the trio group.
Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life

you're grateful for today. Small blessings. One catch-they all must start with the letter T. Gotta keep us thinking, right? 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. It's the 11th day of the 11th month and bloggers often make lists on days like today. Let's go with a list of eleven things you're feeling grateful for today.

Jesus Christ, family, church, health (able to get out of bed, eyes to see the beauty, able to exercise, etc.), friends, job (yes, this gives me something to do), sunshine (always good for the soul), books (take me places), modern medicine (in this day and time a good thing), and technology (being in school this is a plus but the biggest plus is Facetime!).

2. What's something you decided to do or act on at the '11th hour'?  

I can't think of anything at all!  I am more of a planner and OCD on top of that!ha!

3.  Apparently the Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe contains 11 herbs and spices. What's a dish you make that calls for exactly eleven ingredients? Feel free to share the list and/or recipe. 

NOTHING !  My cookbooks call for only 4 ingredients.

Living by myself, not much cooking/baking going on....not that I ever did anyway.

4. Something you remember about your 11-year old self? .  

Spending my summer with my grandmother in Baltimore. I loved spending my summers there.

5. The 11th of November is Veterans Day in the US of A. This is a day to honor those who have served their country in war or peace-dead or alive-although according to the government's website it's largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices. 

Memorial Day is when we honor military personnel who died in service to their country. 

Share a thought relating to Veterans Day or tell us something about a Veteran you know-love-admire. 

My late uncles were in Vietnam.  I remember sending care packages to them.  But I also remember the nightmares they had when they came home. Truly grateful to all veterans for everything they have done and is doing for us.

6. Random thought.

Really enjoying this weather.  It has been in the high 70s close to 80 and feels so much like spring.  

Have a great rest of the week.

6. Insert your own random thought here

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Thank you Joyce!!

1. How do you define peace? 

Being able to quiet my thoughts in this crazy, noisy world.  Try to live in harmony with one another and my mantra...Agree to disagree.  

2. November 3rd is Election Day in the US of A, but did you know it's also National Sandwich Day? Let's vote, shall we? egg salad or tuna salad? chicken salad or grilled chicken on a bun? peanut butter and jelly or a bagel with cream cheese? turkey and swiss or ham and cheddar? grilled cheese or pimento cheese? roast beef-corned beef-or make mine veggie? 

Tuna salad, love, love, love chicken salad on a bun, peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheddar, pimento cheese  (on crackers and I found jalapeno pimento cheese YUMMY) and a veggie please!

3. When did you last say (or feel) 'no rest for the weary'

Last week as I was constantly raking leaves!  I wanted to get as many leaves up as I could before the rain set in. 

4. This time last year, where were you? 

This time last year, I was still in Virginia, but after church that day, I went to the coffee shop.  I was setting up the coffee shop for a meeting that was to be held there the next day.  Cleaning, decorating the tables, making sure all was ready.

5. Share a favorite song, verse, or quote featuring the word 'peace'. 

"Peace Be Still" by Lauren Daigle

"I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to you you a future filled with hope." Jeremiah 29:11

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

They will be 8 months old on Monday! AND their brother will be 3 in January.  I can't wait till I can kiss them all over!!

Now this is my Peace.

Have a great day AND Enjoy Life!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...