Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wednesday Hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

Giving a high five to Joyce for continuing the questions!!  

 1. Five years ago this month hubs and I relocated from New Jersey to the Palmetto State. What were you doing five years ago this month?

Five years ago this month (This Saturday to be exact), I was dealing with a bride.  My youngest daughter was getting married, and boy she was so hateful, irritable, bossy, etc. Hub use to tell me that I cry in church (thinking about her wedding) and the minute we get home, daughter and I were at each other's throat.  Shew!!  I am glad that day is behind me.

2. What was the last 9-5 job you worked? Tell us about it.

I have never worked a 9-5 job.  I did a few odd jobs during the summer while in college, but they were 7-3.  Being a teacher, I had to be at school by 8:45 -3:45 unless you had bus duty or other duties.

3. Plead the fifth, high five, take five, it's five o'clock somewhere, or the big 5-0...which number five phrase relates to your life in some way currently? Tell us how.

I will have to go with...take five.  I have always been one that when I start something I did not want to take any breaks until whatever I was doing was finished.  Now, (I am  chalking this up to age ), I will begin something, but take more that a few 'take fives'. And I realize that whatever I was doing, gets done!
Here lately, it has been five o'clock somewhere!!

4. During this season of spending so much time at home, what distractions get in the way of being your most productive? Or have you been extra productive since this whole thing started?

I must admit, I haven't been much distracted.  When this season began, I whined and floated through my days.  Soon after, I kicked my body and mind into high gear.  My entire house has been thoroughly cleaned....baseboards, windows, blinds, walls, light fixtures, floors. The outside house was power washed and I just finished staining my deck.  Ultimately, I feel pleased.  But I think I have been looking for things to do to keep me busy.

5. Give us a list here of your top five anything.

1. Going to church in person (we wear our mask, social distancing in place, and our pastor asks that families sit together on the same row)
2. My family 
3. Being able to finally see and hold my grandsons (even though it has been over a month since then)
4. Reading my devotions
5. Going to exercise class

6. Insert your own random thought here.

School begins virtual for my county on Thursday.  Teachers have been working extremely hard  and putting in long hours to make sure technology will be up and running.  

Until next time....Keep on Keepin On and Enjoy Life!


  1. Wow you've accomplished a lot! I hope you get another dose of grand babies soon. I cannot wait to see mine in person, but still a few months away from that. I can't imagine everyone in the school system online. What a world! Ours had a choice here, so some are back in the classroom.

  2. Well that was not a happy experience 5 years ago. Sorry about that. I'm so jealous, way to go on cleaning your whole house.

  3. Wow, that was an experience when your daughter got married.

  4. I'm sure you are quite glad you have retired from teaching and do not have to be a part of this virus mess. Both our daughter and DIL are teachers and they are so concerned for what this year holds. Have a great weekend!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's a winter memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)?  My senior year in high school; we missed the entire m...