1. The Hodgepodge lands on National Dog Day this year (August 26th). Do you own a dog? Did you have a dog when you were growing up, or maybe some other kind of pet? Would you say you're more of a dog person or a cat person? Neither is okay too : )
I do not own a dog. When growing up, I had two dogs. One was a Pekingese and her name was Freckles. Later, while in college, hub had gotten me a poodle and her name was Muffin. After hub and I were married, we just didn't have any interest in owning a dog.
I am neither more of a dog person or a cat person. However, I do have a cat now. The stray cat came here about 4 years ago and I began feeding it so it has stuck around.
2. Last time you felt 'dog tired'?
Every time I finish cutting the grass, I am dog tired!
3. It's said you can't teach an old dog new tricks. When did you last prove this idiom true or prove it wrong?
When mowing season began!! I never used the riding mower, I always used the self-propelled mower. I was scared of the riding mower afraid it would turn over. But I learned to use it. I have to admit I like to have never found the reverse gear....and I didn't realize when I barley raised up off the seat the mower would turn off.
4. A favorite book, television show, or movie featuring a dog. Why did you love it?
Lady and the Tramp
I like how the mutt protected her.
5. Last time you had reason to (literally or figuratively) exclaim 'hot diggity d0g
Our school system began the year virtual. Many students do not have access to internet service. My church on Sunday announced they were trying to help out students...come to the church for internet service. We have began the planning stage for this to happen. Yay!! Hot Diggity Dog!
For the students who do not have access to the internet, the teachers are providing them with a jump drive, but the students are usually a week behind who is using this.
6. Insert your own random thought here.