Monday, July 22, 2019


It has been a while....

The heat has still been a topic in my corner of the world....but now it has begun to rain so some relief in the heat.  
AND.....I did trap THREE groundhogs....I used early June apples for bait...

Since last time, I have made it through some tough mile stones....
1.  I made it through my first wedding anniversary without my dear husband.
2.  I made it through Father's Day...I did take four of hub's favorite shirts and have someone make a pillow and teddy bear for both daughters.  I knew the first Father's Day without their dad would be hard and I wanted to give them something they could hug on Father's Day.

3. I made it through my birthday...which is very close to the Fourth of July.  In a little town close by there is always a celebration on July 3 (my birthday!) and hub and I would always go...listen to music, socialize, and then watch the huge fireworks.  I really didn't feel like celebrating my birthday much less go to the celebration.  Daughter #2 persuaded me to go with could I turn down this cutie...

The first fireworks scared him too death...but after that first initial shock he enjoyed himself.  Daughter felt terrible that he was scared but I convinced her there was no way to prepare him.  
4.  I got a phone call later that evening, (on my birthday) that hub's headstone was on the Fourth of July I went to the cemetery.  Seeing the headstone instead of the grave marker...BAM!!  this was REAL!  Tears flowed like an ocean....

5. I made it through hub's birthday, which is only 6 days after mine. 
6. I didn't scream and loose it when #2 daughter sent me this...
Double 'OUCH'!  He had fallen face down...thankfully the knot had really gone down when I saw him in person the next day.
7.  This little guy has been able to spend a couple of nights with me..Yes, I did the asking...

8. I did finish the landscaping hub had started last year....4 tons of rock!!  

My word for 2019 is 'Courage' and I feel some of these small milestones have taken courage.  I did make it through them...many with a lot of tears flowing down my face..."There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning."  

Until next time...
Take care and Enjoy Life

Wednesday Hodgepodge

  1. February 26th is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day...have you read a fairy tale lately? What's your favorite fairy tale? Do you believ...