Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Red, white, blue-wednesday hodgepodge

1. How did you welcome the month of July, and tell us one fun thing you did to celebrate the 4th. (or the weekend for any non-USA residents playing along today)

I did a little cleaning to welcome July.  On the 4th, we grilled out and watched some neighbors set off fireworks.
On July 3rd, we went to listen to a band play 60's, 70's, and 80's music--Loved this group.  Later when the band finished playing, I watched the most spectacular fireworks show ever!

2. Right now..what's your favorite red thing? white thing? blue thing?
Image result for red shorts
red shorts
Image result for white dodge van
so easy to haul grandkids in and my 'stuff'
Image result for blue umbrella
This came in handy today!

3. Wave the white flag, raise a red flag, fly your freak flag...which 'flag' have you flown most recently? Explain. 
Image result for treasurer
I am getting close to waving the white flag...I am treasurer of a festival in our town....(because the former one passed away unexpectedly).  I don't want to let the committee down but I am not really liking this at all!!

4. According to Cond Nast Traveler these are the seven best places to visit in July-

a boat safari in Botswanna's Okavango Delta, Riviera Maya Mexico (it's whale shark season and apparently you can swim with them), Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, Pamploma Spain, St. Petersburg Russia, the Fuji Rock Festival at Mount Naeba Japan, the Salzburg Festival in Salzburg Austria

If time and money weren't factors would you want to see any/all of these? Which would you most like to see and why? 

I would like to see St. Petersburg Russia.  While there I would attend an opera and ballet show.  Then I would love to see the Russian art.  When I taught World Geography, I loved teaching the unit on Russia.

5. Grilled cheese, pimento cheese, or mac and cheese...your favorite from the cheesy treats listed? 
Image result for grilled cheese

6. What makes you sweat? 

Image result for heat
7. Your favorite movie with a 'patriotic' theme of some sort?

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

Ever wonder why some weeks there is nothing much going on and then WHAM!! in some weeks there isn't enough time to get all accomplished??!!


  1. I feel like we always have a lot going on-ha! I think we might get some rain here today. Hoping so! Enjoy your day!

  2. Thanks for sharing....enjoy the rest of the week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  3. When our kids were young, we took them to the Nicholas and Alexandra exhibition that was in Wilmington, DE on loan from St. Petersburg. It was the most wonderful, fascinating exhibit. Even Catherine the Great's gilded carriage. So yes, I'd love to go there too.

  4. That is the story of my life least it feels that way. I have absolutely nothing outside of the house that I am required to do, yet there is never enough time to get it all done.

    I think that Russia would be an interesting place to visit. The places that I would most love to go are Ireland and Scotland. Some of those castles over there belonged to my family and I'd really love to see them before they fall completely apart. :)

    Have a blessed day.

  5. I love a good band that can play "oldies". I could listen all night.
    Hoping life will slow down for you, a bit, in the coming days.

  6. Our life is like that, too. Sometimes I make the mistake of saying "Nowhere to go, nothing to do." Then all of a sudden we are busy as bees.

  7. Thanks for coming by my Hodgepodge today! I enjoyed reading your answers!!

  8. Sorry about having to handle the money at the fair. That would scare me to death!!! Grilled cheese for me too.


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...