Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What news story are you following right now?

Still following the Flight of 370-my hears just goes out to all the family members.  Have always been interested in the Royal Family-any news there?

2. What's the last thing you wanted but didn't get?

A road trip-I love to travel and hub is so content being in his small town-that is okay, but I wanted to book a trip somewhere and hub just flat out refused :(
Usually if I really want something-material , I usually purchase it myself.

3. May 28th is National Hamburger Day...when did you last have a hamburger? Other than your own kitchen or BBQ grill, where is your favorite place to go for a hamburger? And for all you non-meat eaters out there...when you're invited to a cookout what is the one side dish you hope is on the menu?

I think about a month ago hub grilled hamburgers.  I love a juicy hamburger with all the trimmings!  Listening to the news, I am skeptical about purchasing hamburger meat now after hearing the news last week.

4. How have your priorities changed over time?

Most definitely-the circle of life.  Growing up I thought of others (parents instilled this in me) but still thought of myself.  In my married life, hub came first.  Then children came-they kinda took priority over hub (different priority I should say).  Next step-grandchild -now this is a different kind of love and a most different type of priority.  For the past couple of years I have helped hub take care of his parents-again priorities changed-his parents became our number one priority.

5. What's a favorite memory with your grandparents?

Many special memories I share with my grandparents.  Since it is getting close to summer, I will share a summer memory.  My father owned a farm about 30 minutes from our house.  Dad didn't want to live on a farm, but he wanted to farm-more of a hobby more or less.  After putting up hay bales (square bales you had to throw on a tractor bed) one hot evening, we would all gather at Mamow's house afterwards.  I remember she would always have watermelon to eat.  I must have been really tired (bad sign because I do silly stuff) and instead of eating the watermelon, I began throwing pieces of watermelon on everyone.  Mamow joined in the fun and never once scolded me (which I am sure Dad really wanted to).

6. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being fantastic!), how good are you at multitasking? Share an example.

Rank-8  I can talk on the phone, type of computer, and still shake head  (yes or no) while listening to daughter or hub ask a question. I can also watch television, read a novel, and still answer hub when he asks a question.  I attribute this to being a teacher!

7. How would you summarize your highs and lows for the month of May?

Not too high--not too low!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

A verse for all graduates:
Joshua 1:9  "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Congratulations to all graduates!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind...
one day late

Hope all enjoyed Memorial Day-a day of just not picnics, swimming, etc. but a day to remember all who have given so much for us!

Friday was a great day!  My students did well on their Standards of Learning Test!!  WOOHOO!!
Later that evening I joined up with some fellow teachers for dinner and great conversation!  There is nine days left for students in my county.  Teachers have to work till June 10th.

Saturday, I finally talked hub into going to Plumb Alley Day.  The weather was perfect.He has never been and just doesn't care for this kinda of stuff.  Plumb Alley Day is just a lot of flea markets, games, antiques, etc. It didn't take much coaxing for hub to go when he found out 'little man' was going.

The giant slide caught 'little man's ' eye.

Hub did enjoy some of the sights.  'Little man' enjoyed the confederate soldiers and the firing of the guns.  I guess all boys are interested in guns at his age.

After a few hours, hub and 'little man' was ready to go and get something to eat.  I explained there were plenty of vendors around but not for them.  Reluctantly, I headed to the car.  Hub and 'little man' wanted nothing but

so we ate Chick-fil-A.

That evening 'little man' spend the night and he was really tired.  It didn't take much to get him to sleep.  I dozed a few times while he was going to sleep-didn't realize I was this tired until I settled down.

I finally got around to some cleaning around the house.  WHEW!  I desperately need to do some deep cleaning-planning on this when school is out for summer.

Tomorrow is 'little man's' last T-Ball Game.  Enjoyed watching all the little ones play.

Time to get ready for another week of school-well 4 day week that is.
Have a Blessed Week!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday hodgepodge

1. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking?

I do my best thinking when approaching a deadline, and I wait till the last minute to look over something.

2. Are you a risk taker? What's one big risk you've taken?

No, I am not a risk taker.  On the other hand, hub is a risk taker.  The biggest risk I have taken is opening up a new business (daughter's pharmacy) from the ground up.  It has been a headache with all the laws and codes one has to follow.

3. Some of the most common phobias according to the National Institute for Mental Health are-fear of spiders (arachnaphobia), snakes (ophidiophobia), heights (acrophobia), fear of spaces from which escape is difficult (agoraphobia), fear of thunder and lightening (astrophobia), fear of dogs (cynophobia), injections (trypanophobia), social situations, flying (pteromerhanophobia) and fear of germs and dirt (mysophobia). True phobias affect only about 10% of adults, but of those listed which would you rate as your greatest fear?


4. Are you settled or do you feel the need to move somewhere new?

At this stage in my life, I am settled.

5. What is something you find annoying when dining in a restaurant?

Hearing others' conversation, also just 'plain ole poor' table manners this was my first response.  Now I am going to change to watching people text or talk while they are with someone--how rude and disrespectful!  Now there are sometimes when you may need to talk/text (family situations or emerency) but explain this to your friends when dining!
How did we go from this 

to this?

6. Daffodil yellow, sunset orange, spring green, or sky blue...your favorite color this time of year?

Sunset orange

7. If you were going to take a holiday all by yourself, where would you go?

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

SOL Testing this week!!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Weekend Rewind...

A Whirlwind...

Friday, I took a Personal Leave to set up for Relay for Life.  Friday morning around 2am daughter took the nasty stomach bug that has been going around--so I was up and down with her during the wee hours of the morning.  Poor thing-she still wanted her Momma when sick no matter how old.  She was one sick girl-laying on the bathroom floor and crying with her stomach.  Grandson was spending the night with us and I was praying he would not wake up and hear daughter in the bathroom.  Thankfully he slept through it all.  I called daughter #1 (pharmacist) and she was able to get some meds for her sister and told me what to give her to drink--ice chips and gatorade with water.  Thankful for #1 daughter and her sister was too.

Later I took grandson to help me set the tent, chairs, and tables up.  He really wanted #2 daughter to go and I had to explain that she needed to sleep so she would feel better for Relay that night.  When grandson and I got home daughter was feeling much better -she was up out of bed and had showered.  Her stomach had stopped hurting and she only felt weak.  I gave her a few crackers to eat and more liquids to drink.  Grandson was so happy to see daughter feeling better!!  He kept saying he was going to be a pharmacy to help people since Mimi (Amanda) had made her better.  He hadn't bit more said that when he said Mamow my stomach is hurting and he ran to the bathroom.  Oh No! but true-he was sick.  Quickly calling daughter and explained Nate had what Emily had earlier and meds were given, and within an hour he was up and playing around.  I began putting the finishing touches on our posters when I heard this awful noise...what the heck...
It was hailing!!!!  The sky was pitch black and the wind was violently  blowing.  The hail storm lasted about five minutes.  The sun came out and I stepped out to pick up some porch furniture that had blown over--shiver me cold...temperature had dropped!

We (hub, grandson, and daughter) bundled up and headed out to Relay.  The storm had blown tents over (except our tent-neighbor had helped me nail it down-we must have really nailed it down!).  It was decided to hold Relay for Life inside the high school gym.  Good idea because I was freezing-temps were in the 50's at 5:00 so I knew it would only get colder as the night went on.  All tables were carried in and all was happy.  Grandson turned in his money-he was running for Buddy-that is what he calls his Papaw-and grandson had raised $673.00-so proud of him.  He helped me decorate our table and then....Yep he started getting sick again.  Daughter #2 came and took him to our house.  

Hubs called regularly to check on him.  He was feeling better and wanted to return to Relay for the Kid's Run.  Hub told daughter to bring him on.  He did the Kid's Run and he won first prize for the most money, but I could tell he was just not feeling the best in the world.  Grandson's dad came and decided to take him home.  I carried grandson out to the car and big alligator tears started falling, he felt so bad but wanted to stay..this broke my heart:(   But I knew he would only continue getting sick and being home was the best place for him.

Back inside the Relay Party was going strong...dancing

Womanless Beauty Pageant..

daughter was voting for this candidate!!
We were unable to light the we placed them on the bleachers....I love the luminary walk and it was still inspirational to me.  Walking around the gym and looking at all the names that Cancer-that dreaded 'C' word has touched. Even though the weather was terrible, it did not stop our Relay.  I Relay to find a cure for this terrible disease and for...

Hub has been a survivor for 4 years!!!! Yes, tears still came as his name was read, and he took his survivor's lap.

Hub, daughter #2, and I were up at the crack of dawn on Saturday and headed out by 6am to Harrisonburg to see daughter's finance graduate.  I was dressed more like winter (temp was in the 30's) instead of spring.  Daughter had a blanket and carried her winter coat with her.  Weather in Harrisonburg was perfect-a cool 60's but the sunshine was great.
After receiving his diploma, it was all smiles for this young man.
He and daughter are so happy.

Sunday, hub, daughter #1 (the pharmacist) and myself were up again at the 'crack of dawn'.  We were on our way to Durham, North Carolina for a meeting with Mutual Drug Company.  It was the Annual Stockholders Meeting-a first for all of us.  I was impressed-they were all so cordial.

Arriving home late Sunday evening, I thought I would be tired but I just can't seem to settle down.  Blaming my restlessness  on this weekend's travel!  Whew!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's still May, right? When were you last in the middle of something that might be described as mayhem?

Can't remember when.  However, I will probably feel this way this weekend-MADNESS.  On Friday is Relay for Life lasting from 5 to 3am Saturday, Saturday I am leaving at 6am heading to Harrisonburg, and Sunday leaving at 6am heading to Durham, North Carolina,  I will feel insane on Monday.

2. When did you last feel dismayed?
 On Mother's Day-family situation that hasn't been good for quite some time.

3. What's a food combination you like, but other people may find strange?

I love beer and candy!

4. "It is never too late to be what you might have been." Do you think that's true? Why or why not?

Never too late to learn something whether it is a trade or an educational diploma.

5. US News and World Report listed the best historic destinations in the US as follows-Washington D.C, Philadelphia PA, Williamsburg VA, Charleston SC, Boston MA, Richmnd VA, Savannah, GA, Santa Fe NM, Yellowstone, San Antonio TX, San Francisco CA, New Orleans LA, and Charlottesville VA.

Of those listed how many have you seen in person? Which two sites on the list would you most like to see in person?

I have been to Washington D.C., Richmond, Va., Williamsburg, Va. (our county takes all 5th graders to Williamsburg for three days--YEAH for our county), and Charlottesville, Va.
I would like to visit New Orleans, and Boston.

6. May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. If you had to participate in a single fitness activity for the next half hour, which activity would you choose?

Some kind of aerobic exercise.  

7. What did you like best about the city, town, or neighborhood where you grew up?

Closeness, one big family, all helping each other.  

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Daughter got a great check-up from her cardiologist last Monday-this was the best Mother's Day Gift EVER!!  Hub won the election -he is now an official Town Council Member.  Daughter #2 is trying to decide on a date for her wedding-sometime in the year 2015-is all I get right now-her finance and I are getting a little annoyed with this.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind...

Hope all had a fantastic Mother's Day!!

The weather held out nicely today after raining yesterday.  

Today was our (hubs and mine)first Mother's Day without hubs Mom.  He became somewhat teary in church this morning, according to daughters.  This was to be expected.  It seems to hit you most-the feeling of lonely and sadness when the special days roll around.  He did manage a little laugh when I brought my Wee Worship group-all 20 of them ages 3-5 in for special music.  Just lining these little ones on stage is a chore in itself!!  

After church, we grilled out and my mother was able to come.  

Daughters had gotten me my Mother's Day gift a few weeks ago, which I absolutely love (MK purse), but I got my Mother's Day gift on Monday.  Oldest daughter had to go to UVA for her cardiologist check-up and a stress test.  She didn't want to spend the night so we left at 4:45am-bright and early one might say.  Anyway her cardiologist gave her the best news--her stress test was good and the check-up was good-next appointment next year!  HOORAY!!!  This was the best present ever a Mom can receive!!

Hub won the election-so he is now on our Town Council.  We were up bright and early Tuesday morning-5:00 to head to the polls. Congratulations to him!!

Wednesday was our last lunch to raise money for our school's Relay for Life Team.  Again, I was up bright and early preparing the lunch to put in crock pots.

As you can see, we have had a busy fun-filled week.

Closing in on the end of another school year and the paperwork is piling up.  Checking my calendar for next weekend.  Relay for Life will be Friday-from 6-2am, Saturday-leaving at 6am to head to Harrisburg for graduation, and Sunday-leaving at 6am for Durham, North Carolina-many traveled miles this weekend!!  Whew!

Wishing all a great week.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekend Rewind....

Weekend Rewind...

After school on Friday, a long week of bus duty I might add, I had many errands to run.  Finally got all accomplished as was ready to 'hit the hay' pretty early.

Saturday, hub was busy at the Coffee Shop so I pitched in and mowed the lawn.  I did a lot of thinking while mowing the grass.  So much has been happening here lately and I just can't seem to get a break.  As I was mowing, I kept humming a lot of the contemporary gospel songs in my head.   When hub returned home, I had finished cleaning some of the house, mowed the lawn, showered and was headed out to buy flowers-all completed before 3 that afternoon.  Hub was impressed!!  We went and purchased some hanging baskets and other plants for the house.  
That evening I made a special treat I had been wanting to try.  All hold their breath when I make something new,(a little cheese surprise) and I know what hub and daughter were thinking.  Another surprises-hub and daughter loved this little treat!  Thanks to one of my fellow book club-the Brie wrap was so easy and tasted delicious.

Right now, I am a little-no a lot nervous.  Daughter has to have a stress test tomorrow.  She has had two open heart surgeries as an infant.  Going to UVA is stressful.  Daughter didn't want to spend the night, so we are leaving at 5 in the morning.  My head is hurting and my heart is pounding.  Nerves are getting the best of me. Prayers for a safe trip and great test results.  

Have a blessed week.  

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...