Sunday, July 21, 2013

Weekend Rewind---

Weekend Rewind......

Horses--swimming----store---guns-------cookout---storms-- torn ligaments--all happened this weekend.

 Grandson wanted to see the Clydesdale Horses-me too-I just used him as an excuse.  These horses are beautiful. Of course, the storms rolled in and we didn't get to stay very long.

 Friday was spent at the Bristol Country Club's pool with our neighbors.

Then the storms rolled in. So--we-hub, daughters, and I went to do some work at the store-our new business adventure. What use to be......

                                       is now turned into-----

 future pharmacy and....

 future store with....

 coffee shop-the coffee shop will be located towards the back.
I must admit, we have done some serious work and it is looking good and I literally mean we (hub, daughters, uncles, and daughters boyfriends) have all helped.  Hopefully, we will be open next month.  I never realized all the hoops we had to jump through for little things-a permit to put a new awning on, inspection for this and inspection for that-a lot of red tape but I can see the end in sight and getting a little excited and nervous at the same time. Waiting on the rain to stop for a solid week  so we can finish filling in and putting the last siding on the building.

Not a fan of guns and have been scared of them all of my life, I was told I needed to learn how.  Brother-in-law said he would teach me.  Daughters have gun permits and needed to learn also.  Brother-in-law gave us a short course in gun safety and...
We began practicing with this...

 and then we all tried shooting a bottle that brother-in-law had hung on a tree.

 I never came close to the bottle! This made me too nervous.  Hub, #2 daughter, and I left shortly afterwards to begin preparing food for a cookout.  #1 Daughter and her boyfriend stayed.

Hub began cooking and.....

the phone rang-#1 daughter was swinging (brother-in-law has a porch swing) and the chain broke.  I could tell brother-in-law was nervous as he began telling me Amanda had hurt her foot. I got the bucket and filled it with ice and...

as soon as she got home made her stick her foot in.  
Then the storms came 

After eating, we all ventured out again and...

another round of the 'slush bucket'.  Boyfriend said it shouldn't be that painful...

he gave it a try and after a few minutes agreed with Amanda-the slush bucket can be painful.

While sitting out, Amanda began telling how she had gotten sick and almost fainted after the fall.  "What"?  "Why didn't you tell me earlier"?  I began asking question after question--I mean Gosh she takes her other state board test on Thursday and .....what now?  You know when you can't phantom what had happened and question and question keeps coming to my mind.  So that is why she didn't eat anything-you were still nausous from the fall.  She did not want to go and get an X-ray-so we kept doctoring her foot till the wee hours of the night....

Hey, the moon is out-no rain-at least for awhile.

I did take daughter to get an X-Ray the next day.  She has tore 2 ligaments and stretched the other ligament in her foot. The swelling has went down and she is keeping her foot elevated.   I just knew if she didn't get the foot X-ray-neither one of us would be worth a hill of beans!

Shoo...what a weekend.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weekend Rewind...

Weekend Rewind....

I am not a complainer but the rainy weather is getting the best of me.  It has rained and I mean torrential rain not just a little shower all spring and now all summer.  We have 13+ above our normal rain fall so far.  Grandson asked me on Friday, "Mamow is it ever going to quit raining"?

Speaking of Friday, hub and I went to get some pizza and bring it back home for daughters and their friends.  I have been hooked on Bella's steak pizza

When we came in the house, daughter was yelling for us to look out the door.
A skunk!!  I quickly closed the door.  We all ate our pizza and didn't see the skunk anymore...until,,,
Later that night, we were all sitting outside.  I was sitting on the bottom step listening to the Tams.  I love this group and hub says to me, honey there is a skunk at your foot.  I froze and then slowly crawled in the house.  Daughters ran in the house while one of their friends jumped and ran around the house-yep skunk starting chasing him.  I live in town-no wild life around anywhere so where did the skunk come from?  When we all had calmed down, I remembered I had left my glass of wine on the steps.  Did I venture out to get it-I grabbed a flashlight and turned on the lights and ventured out to the porch.  No sign of the skunk-whew!  I needed a glass of wine now to calm my nerves!!

The Tams is a group I love to listen to. Saturday the group was close by and hub and I went.

We were't able to stay for the entire concert-Thunderstorms rolled in :(
and when we got home....
our visitor was waiting for us, again!! I am calling animal control first thing in the morning.

Today, raining again-so I am wishing I was somewhere else...

Stay dry if you live close by to my small world  town!  Have a great week and enjoy life.

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Many of our earliest presidents created words or expressions widely used today. Teddy Roosevelt is credited with  mollycoddle, pack rat, ...