1. Something you learned from your father?
To always help a person in need, to always be kind and respectful.
3. It's officially summer (in the Northern hemisphere)...your favorite and least favorite things about the season?
My favorite part of summer is the beautiful sunsets and the longer daylight hours. Here lately, the heat and humidity will take your breath when stepping outside.
4. When you think about the summers of your childhood what are two or three things that come to mind?
Sitting on a blanket and playing barbies under a shade trade, breaking beans under the shade with family, and the huge carnival that come to town and my allowance was $2.oo which lasted all night.
5. A hot mess, the heat of the moment, beat the heat, if you can't stand the heat, catch heat, in a dead heat...choose a 'hot 'phrase and tell us how it applies to your life right now.
We have had a couple of nice days, but the temps and humidity is suppose to return today. I try to work in my garden in the wee hours of the morning to beat the heat.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
We had VBS last week and such a fun time. It was only for 3 days and 2 hours each day.
Grandsons has a great time!Have a great rest of the week and Enjoy Life!